.Note that if digits were on the
display prior to entering memory
dial mode, the contents of the
speed dial memory will be
appended to those digits. For
example. if 1503 was on the
display and the contents of the
memory location is 6438981, then
the display would show the
following upon exiting memory
dial mode:
Dialing From Memory
.Press @!;K) to get a line.
Press ~; you're prompted to
enter a speed dial location
1 1="--r
Enter a 2 digit location number
The number stored in that location
will be displayed and immediately
.Press ~ .the number on the
.Beginn!!:-9-J!.om the OFF mode,
press ~ followed by a 2 digit
location number (01..20).
Press ~again to e.xit mem~ry
NOTE:. .' -;..~':,:.:.~f:,'c ,:~ I
IThe abilIty to ~emp~r~!'t:,~9S;~emq~ contents to digits alreadY'eQtered or:l
~~~ ~:~~~y lcie(~:br,.J~~~s:td-, ~ja1'
I'~emories. In this way. longdist~c~:a"1da,rea
codes (for example.,: 1 ~~~!~i~~n be,
entered on the :dlsplay~';-and can-i
.' , .' '"",, '.. " I
Ii~e:~~~)n~~~~~ ~~6~tti~~~.~~~~'
is important because only'the: last 7
.c "
digits of any number are: di$played
.' , .
I when dialing from Ca}~erj!~ (~1~~.
memory. " , ,'., ;,:cf ' ; ;
" .."1
Changing Stored Numbers,l
To change or replace a stored number
simply enter the new number on the
display and store it in the memory
location you wish to change.
5/24/98. 12:20 PM
display will be dialed after a 2
second pause.
dial mode and leave the numcer
on the display.