Dark Blue/Black and Green/White - 2 Pin Input/Output Harness:
Dark Blue/Black Trace Wire: External Trigger Input
The Dark Blue/Black trace wire allows the remote start unit to be activated from an external source. The
intent of this wire is to allow the unit to be controlled from a "POSSE/CAR-LINK" paging system or similar
device. When this wire receives a ground pulse, the unit will start the vehicle. Connect this wire to a ground
pulsed output from the controlling circuit.
Green w/ White trace Wire: Entry Illumination Ground Output
This wire provides a 30 second ground output (300 mA Max.) whenever the remote is used to unlock the
doors. This wire should be connected to an external relay, and wired to the vehicles interior entry lighting
whenever the optional Interior Illumination circuit is desired. See below for relay wiring details.
Entry Illumination Detail
1. RF Programmable Features:
1) When selecting Diesel operation, (Feature Nine), over gasoline, the only change is to the ignition 1 circuit.
When Diesel is selected, the ignition 1 circuit will power up 10 seconds before the start circuit. The
intent of this feature is to allow the glow plug warming required by some diesel engines. If your vehicle is a
instant start diesel, it is not necessary to activate this feature.
NOTE: When selecting Diesel mode, be certain that the intended vehicle has a true tach reference and be
certain to connect the tach input wire.
2) The difference between selecting Starter Pole 5X or Starter Pole 3X, (Feature Ten), is considering the
time it takes from when the unit reaches the pre-set RPM to when the Starter Motor drops out. This feature
allows fine adjustments when you note a slight overcrank. If after programming tach, the unit seems to hold
the starter engaged slightly longer than necessary, select this feature to pole 3 X. If the unit starts and the
starter drops out properly, (NO OVERCRANK) no change is necessary.
1 Flash
1 Second Door Locks
10 Minute Run Time
Park Lights Steady On
(No Function)
(No Function)
Ign.2 Off During Crank
Diagnostics Off
(No Function)
Gasoline Engine
Starter Pole 5X
2 Flashes
3.5 Second Door Locks
15 Minute Run Time
Park Lights Flash
Tach Operation
(No Function)
Ign.2 On During Crank
Diagnostics On
(No Function)
Diesel Engine
Starter Pole 3X
1 Second
10 Minute
Off During Crank
Pole 5X
Feature Selection
3 Flashes
1 Second L/Dbl U/L