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Selecta mountinglocationin theenginecompartment thatiswell protectedfromaccessbelow thevehicle.Avoid areasnearhigh heat
components or moving parts within the engine compartment. To prevent water retention, the flared end of the siren must be pointed
downward when mounted.
Mount the siren to the selected location using the screws and bracket provided.
This system provides an additional hardwire remote output to control an assortment of optional upgrades.
This output is an independent channel from the transmitter, and is controlled by pressing button #3 on the transmitter. It is a low
current ground pulse (300 mA maximum), and the duration or length of the pulse varies (this output will provide a ground signal
for as long as both buttons are held), making it a versatile feature. This output can be used to control;
* optional remote starter AS 9151N
* optional window roll up AS 9153
Select a mounting location inside the passenger compartment (up behind the dash), and secure using two screws provided.
The control module can also be secured in place using cable ties.
Donot mountthecontrol moduleintheengine compartment,asitis notwaterproof.You shouldalsoavoidmounting theunitdirectly
ontofactoryinstalledelectroniccomponents. ThesecomponentsmaycauseRFinterference,whichcanresultinpoortransmitterrange
or intermittent operation.
The transmitters included in this kit have been programed at the factory for the Channel 1 (arm, disarm, and panic function) only.
Any additional programming, receiver Channel 2/3 or additional RF functions, must be programmed at the time of installation.
These functions can be assigned to transmitter buttons #2 or #3.
Refer to the transmitter programming guide, included in this package, for more details regarding transmitter button assignments
and system functions.
As an added convenience to the professional security installer, a chart has been printed in this guide for recording wire colors,
component mounting locations, and any other useful tips particular to the vehicle you are working on. Taking a few extra moments
on each installation to fill in the chart, can save you valuable time in the future.
This system uses on board door lock relays, and will allow for the 2-step unlock feature.
The2-stepunlockfeaturewillworkwithmostfullyelectronicdoorlockcircuits. Thevehiclemusthaveanelectronicdoorlockswitch
(not the lock knob or key switch), which locks and unlocks all of the vehicle's doors.
When wiredfor thisfeature, pressing thedisarm buttonon the transmitterone timewill disarm thealarm andunlock only thedriver's
If, as you approach thevehicle; the transmitter button is pressed two times within 3seconds, the alarm will disarm and all doors will
CHANNEL 3 OUTPUT: (Transmitter Only)
If no third vehicle control option is wired to the alarm system, the transmitter can be programmed to control additional options.
The most popular options are: 1. A second vehicle equipped with a similar PS-Series Audiovox Alarm.
2. An optional (AS-9154) Garage Door Opener.
This system provides an on board relay that will illuminate the dome light for 30 seconds whenever the system is disarmed.
This circuit will also flash the interior dome light when the alarm is triggered.
switched dome light circuits.