If Erase All is highlighted and selected, all of the
currently stored stock symbols will be erased from
memory if the Yes option is highlighted and selected.
Info Extras
When this option is highlighted, press the SELECT but-
ton to display the available Info Extras display options;
namely, Sports, News and Horoscopes.
When Sports is highlighted and selected, the following
list of sports venues appears:
• Nascar
• Golf
Use the Channel Up/Down buttons to highlight the de-
sired sport, and press the SELECT button to enter. No-
tice that sports leagues, such as Major League Base-
ball, is displayed with an arrow to the left; this means
that each team (or All Teams) is available for display
when highlighted and selected. Once selected, a box
appears next to the team name; press the SELECT but-
ton and a check mark appears within the box.
The remaining sports venues, such as Nascar, each
display a box adjacent to the name; when any of these
are highlighted and selected, a check mark appears
within the box.
Once highlighted, press the SELECT button to display
the pop-up confirmation screen with the Yes/No
options. Highlight the Yes selection to erase the
current stock symbol. A pop-up screen appears to
confirm Stock Erased.
• Tennis
• NCAA Basketball
• NCAA Football
When News is highlighted and selected, the following
list of news categories appears on the display:
NOTE: Info Extras information is
subject to current availability;
check the XM website for
" Sports
Info Extras
" News
" Horoscopes
Info Extras
" NCAA Football
!" All Teams
Info Extras
" Arizona DiamondBacks
" Toronto Blue Jays
" Anaheim Angels