Short messages (SMS)
Registering and de-registering with your message center
You have to register your Voicemail Center 461.2 for your network operator's SMS
service to receive fixed network SMS. In Germany, for example, you can reach the
Deutsche Telekom message center nationally by calling "0193010". Enter this number
under "SMS center".
The registration process varies between network operators. Ask your network op-
erator how to do this.
For example, for the Deutsche Telekom operator you have to send an SMS with the
following content to register:
"ANMELD" to the target call number 8888
You will then receive a confirmation message from the Deutsche Telekom SMS ser-
vice. You can now be sure that you can send and receive SMS using your Voice
Center 461.2.
You can deactivate receiving SMS messages by sending "ABMELD" to target call
number 8888. Future SMS that are sent to your call number are then read as voice
As of: June 2004
Entry options for short messages
Inbox ....................................... This is where you find all the short messages you
have received and can scroll through, read, delete
or copy them to templates.
Outbox..................................... The messages here can be sent directly when dis-
patch is activated next time. You have the option of
creating a new message, changing an old one or
deleting it. The SMS can contain up to 160 charac-
Dispatch.................................. Enter the recipient's number here (including area
code). You can transfer the call number from the
telephone book.
Templates ............................... You can create up to 5 different templates, change
or delete old templates. Each template can be cop-
ied to the outbox.