Printing Info
Do not use supply smaller than 2012 or information may print
off the label.
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
(set manually)
Boot Method: STATIC
Boot Retries: 4
Timeout: 0 min
Keepalive: 1 min
Label 2
Wireless Information
Speed: 54 mbps
Security: Disabled
Sig. Strength: 51
Actual SSID: MON 123
Assoc. AP MAC: 00-a0-f8-aa-83-25
Label 1
Monarch Print Server Status
MAC: 00-a0-f8-5f-72-0b
Printer Model: 9493SNP
Boot Ver : 1.0
Application:Peg3-1.20 (2008.06.10)
1. From the RF Network (9460) or Network (9493) menu,
select Print Info. Three wireless network information
labels print.
The first label contains radio version information.
The second label contains the RF (wireless) settings,
including the SSID, security, and signal strength.
The third label contains TCP/IP settings, including the
IP address, boot method, etc.
2. Press the navigation button to return to the RF Network
or Network menu.
Resetting the Radio
After you save the configuration, you must reset the radio
before the changes take effect. When you select “Reset,”
the radio reinitializes.
Note: You may lose your current connection and application.
Resetting the network may take up to one minute before
you can access the wireless print server (radio).
3. From the RF Network or Network menu, select Reset.
You may see:
4. For the 9460, press any navigation button to return to the
RF Network. The 9493 returns to the Network menu
Label 3
Configuring the 802.11b/g and IP Settings 2-15