Axiom Line User Guide
< Press the Advanced button.
< Press the Program button.
< Enter the program change in the range of 0-127 on the numeric data entry keys.
< Press the Enter key to confirm the entered value
To send a bank change:
49- and 61-note versions:
< Press the Bank LSB or Bank MSB button.
< The LCD will flash the bank number that was last sent out.
< Enter the new bank number in the range of 0-127 on the numeric keypad.
25-note version:
< Press the Advanced button.
< Press either the Bank LSB key or Bank MSB key.
< The LCD will flash the bank number that was last sent out.
< Enter the new bank number in the range 0-127 on the numeric data entry keys.
< Press the Enter key to confirm the entered value.
Program and bank settings can be saved to any of the 20 memory locations on your Axiom. This process is explained in detail
in section 3.2.
2.4 MIDI Controller Messages
There are 128 MIDI controller messages that are used for controlling the MIDI-adjustable parameters in your software or on your
external MIDI gear. Examples of these controllable parameters include volume, pan, expression, reverb, chorus and portamento.
Each of the controls on your Axiom keyboard is able to send any of the 128 standard MIDI controller messages to control such
parameters. Please note that in order for these effects to work, the MIDI device you are sending to must be able to receive these
messages. A full list of these control messages is given in Appendix C.
For example, you may want to set the Modulation wheel to control the reverb amount. This is done by assigning controller 91 to the
Modulation wheel (control A10 on Axiom 25, control A19 on Axiom 49 and Axiom 61). .
Examples of other popular effects are listed in the table below. (Please consult Appendix C for the full list.)
Effect Control Number
Modulation 1
Pan 10
Reverb depth
Chorus depth 93
There are many different types of virtual instruments available and most of these respond to MIDI controller messages, allowing
you to control a variety of parameters from your Axiom keyboard. Please review the manual that came with your software or
external gear to see what these controller numbers are.