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Object 17 – General Status Object
The General Status Object provides information about any HGM300 internal faults
present and shows which zone is currently being sampled:
Network output variable nvoHgmFaultAlert reports whenever ANY fault is detected
within the HGM or adapter. It is of type SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to a Fault
lamp on a remote annunciation panel using a network input variable of type
SNVT_switch. When there is no fault, nvoFaultAlert will have value=0, state=0. When
there is a fault, nvoFaultAlert will have value=200, state=1. Depending on the network
presentation software, full-scale “value” may display as “200” or “100.0”.
Network output variable nvoHgmFaults (bit field structure) reports various faults
within the HGM300 or the LonWorks adapter. It contains 14 faults (1-bit fields) that
may be reported (0 = No Fault, 1 = Fault):
Clipping fault (internal HGM measurement fault)(bit 15)(most significant bit)
Zero Fault (internal HGM measurement fault)(bit 14)
No Flow Fault (no flow on any zone)(bit 13)
Purge Flow Fault (no flow during purge cycle)(bit 12)
Zone Flow Fault (no flow on a particular zone)(bit 11)
Trigger Fault (internal HGM measurement fault)(bit 10)
No Zones Fault (no zones enabled in HGM)(bit 9)
mA Loop Fault (mA loop output [option] is open circuited)(bit 8)
Pressure Fault (HGM bench pressure abnormal)(bit 7)
Bench Temp Fault (HGM bench temp abnormal)(bit 6)
Box Temp Fault (HGM box temp abnormal)(bit 5)