3 1) Stationary Emergency Vehicle Ahead
32) forfuture use
CatePorv 3
33) High Wind Ahead
34) Severe Weather Ahead
35) Heavy Fog Ahead
36) High Water/Flooding Ahead
37) 1ce”On Bridge Ahead
38) Ice On Road Ahead
39j Blowing Dust Ahead
40) Blowing Sand Ahead
41) Blowing Snow Whiteout Ahead
forfuttrre use
Ca teaorv 4
43) Rest Area Ahead
44) Rest Area With Service Ahead
45) 24 Hour Fuel Service Ahead
46) Inspection Station Open
47) Inspection Station Closed
48) Reduced Speed Area Ahead
49) Speed Limit Enforced
50) Hazardous Materials Exit Ahead
51) Congestion Ahead/Expect Delay
52) Expect 10 Minute Delay
53) Expect 20 Minute Delay
54) Expect 30 Minute Delay
55) Expect 1 Hour Delay
56) Traffic Alert/Tune AM Radio
57) Pay Toll Ahead
58) Trucks Exit Right
59) Trucks Exit Left
forfuture use
Category 5
61) Emergency Vehicle In Transit
62) Police In Pursuit
63) Oversize Vehicle In Transit
64) Slow Moving Vehicle
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