To restore a previously saved backup file, click Browse. You will be prompted to
select a file from your PC to restore. Be sure to only restore setting files that have
been generated by the Backup function, and that were created when using the same
firmware version. Settings files saved to your PC should not be manually edited in
any way. After selecting the settings file you wish to use, clicking Restore will load
those settings into the router. Restart
The Restart feature allows you to easily restart BiGuard 30. To restart with your last
saved configuration, select the Current Settings radio button and click Restart.
If you wish to restart the router using the factory default settings, select Factory
Default Settings and click Restart to reboot BiGuard 30 with factory default settings.
You may also reset your router to factory default settings by holding the Reset
button on the router until the Status LED begins to blink. Once BiGuard 30
completes the boot sequence, the Status LED will stop blinking. Password