
Billion BiPAC 7402NX(L) 802.11n 3G/ADSL2+ (VPN) Firewall Router
Chapter 4: Configuration
Note: To be sure the router(s) in the backbones network have the capability in executing and checking the DSCP
through-out the QoS network.
Table 4: DSCP Mapping Table
DSCP Mapping Table
(Wireless) ADSL Router Standard DSCP
Disabled None
Best Effort Best Effort (000000)
Premium Express Forwarding (101110)
Gold service (L) Class 1, Gold (001010)
Gold service (M) Class 1, Silver (001100)
Gold service (H) Class 1, Bronze (001110)
Silver service (L) Class 2, Gold (010010)
Silver service (M) Class 2, Silver (010100)
Silver service (H) Class 2, Bronze (010110)
Bronze service (L) Class 3, Gold (011010)
Bronze service (M) Class 3, Silver (011100)
Bronze service (H) Class 3, Bronze (011110)