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» Access resources on today’s most popular
networks, including NetWare 3.x and 4.x.
• IncludesWindowsbasedmanagement
• Front-paneldisplayandkeypad.
• SupportsexternalISDNterminaladapters.
• In-bandandout-of-bandmanagement.
• Multilevelsecurityandpacketfiltering.
• Multilanguagesupport.
Whether you’re on the road making a sales call or working at
home, you can dial up the Remote Access Server and access the
office network to print reports and access e-mail while you’re away.
Available in three models (2-, 4-, and 8-port) for Ethernet
applications, the server features high-speed serial ports that support
up to 115-kbps connections. The device connects easily to today’s
most popular asynchronous modems), 56-kbps modems, and ISDN
terminal adapters.
Perfect for departmental or workgroup dial-in access or dial-out
modem pooling, the Remote Access Server is a complete remote
access server solution. With it, you get the server hardware device
plus management, dial-out, and client software (with unlimited
licenses). Remote users use the client software to access a LAN over
inexpensive voice-grade telephone circuits and asynchronous modems
and perform tasks just as if they were directly attached to it.
Intranet customers, for instance, can be given direct real-time
access to online information that you store on an AS/400. And
because they use their everyday Web browser for access and all
function keys appear within their browser interface, there‘s no need
to train them on any new software. The Remote Access Server can
even be scaled as the number of your dial-in customers increases.
Extensive system support
For greater flexibility, the Remote Access Server works with
a wide range of hosts—NetWare
, OS/2
LAN Server, Windows for
Workgroups, Windows NT
, and UNIX
(see page 3 for the systems
supported). In fact, it supports all major desktop operating systems
as well as all major LAN operating systems.
With the Remote Access Server, remote PCs act like a local node
on your Ethernet network, so they can access all network resources
in NetWare, OS/2 LAN Server, Windows NT, Windows for
Workgroups, or LAN Manager. The server supports applications
that require a fixed MAC address assigned to specific users,
such as ClientAccess
, PC Support 400, and PC Support.
The latest version of the Remote Access Server boasts features
that make it even more flexible. In addition to supporting more
operating systems, the server enables you to dial up your LAN using
IP. The improved models come with protocol enable/disable options
as well as IP and IPX
packet filtering.
Extensive management
If you’re a network manager, you’ll be pleased at just how easy
it is to set up and manage the Remote Access Server. Intuitive, menu-
driven “wizard”screens guide you through the installation process.
Windows based management software that lets you install and
manage the server from a PC that’s directly or remotely attached to
your LAN. You can communicate with the server one of three ways:
• Over the LAN (inband) while using either IP or IPX protocols;
• By using the included direct-connect null-modem cable as
a serial link between the management PC and one of the
server’s built-in serial connectors; or
• By a dial-in, high-speed modem connection
over the telephone network.
Telecommute from remote PCs connected to your office from home.
Diagram Format
Rule Size: 0.018
Ethernet Remote Access
Server (LRA508A-ET-R5)
Dialing in to work
U.S. Robotics
V.92 Modem
File ServerAS/400
U.S. Robotics
V.92 Modem
U.S. Robotics
V.92 Modem