
There must be a minimum of 11" of vertical clearance (12-1/4" if using the CK10
Safety Cable Kit) between the front of the mounting surface and any other
structure in the ceiling for the speaker to fit. Before cutting the full hole, inves-
tigate for depth and clearance by cutting a small hole, or removing the ceiling
tile, whichever is applicable.
SUSPENDED CEILINGS: The clamps must be able to span the full 24" (approx.)
between the ceiling rails to provide the proper support for the CSUB. If there
is interference with any objects in the ceiling to prevent this, then another ceil-
ing tile location should be chosen.
DRYWALL or OTHER Hard Ceiling Surfaces: The edge of the hole must have clear-
ance of at least 5" on opposite edges of the hole to ensure that the clamps will
be able to support the CSUB.
The unique clamp-mounting system of the Bogen CSUB not only allows mounting in
most types of ceiling surface thicknesses, it takes the ease of installation two significant
steps further:
1. NO TILE BRIDGE IS REQUIRED. Because the mounting clamps are extra-long and
very durable, they can suspend and support the CSUB across the 24" span of a
suspended ceiling. This eliminates the need for the separate tile bridge required
for nearly all ceiling speakers.
2. A uniquely designed clamp screw assembly can be tightened from either the front or
rear, allowing the CSUB to be mounted either by dropping the ceiling tile onto
the rear of the CSUB or by dropping the CSUB into the front of the ceiling tile.
This design can significantly accelerate the installation process.