Replace burner base, burner cap and burner grate.
Note: Burner cap must be properly positioned on burner base
for burner to light.
4o Convert Cooktop Valves for Propane Use
Adjust Bypass Jets on Valves,
1.Verify that all knobs are in the "Off" position.
2.Remove knobs, springs and bezels by pulling straight out.
3.Insert flat head screwdriver into shaft and turn bypass screw
clockwise until it stops turning (See Figure 4). DO NOT OVER
TIGHTEN. Replace knobs, springs and bezels.
Figure 4
Cooktop Valve
If your range is dual fuel your conversion is complete. Re-
place the cover plate and warming drawer and proceed to
step 9 to test your conversion.
For gas range conversions, continue to step5.
Cooktop - Left Rear
Cooktop - Riqht Rear
Cooktop ° Left Front
Cooktop - Riqht Front
Oven - Broil (Gas Ranges Only')
Oven oBake (Gas Ranges Only)
5° Adjust Broil Burner Orifice
Remove oven door (see section "Removing Oven Door" in
InstalJation Instructions).
Remove broil burner assembly. The broil burner assembly
isattached to the top of the oven cavity, with 7 screws. Remove
screws and gently pull broil burner assembly straight out being
careful notre detach electrical wires. Placebroil burner against
back wall of oven cavity.
Adjust Orifice, The orifice is located behind the broil burner
in the back oven wall (See Figure 5). Use a 1/2"deep socket
driver with 3" minimum extension to turn orifice clockwise until
it stops (2= 2 1/2 times). DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
Replace Broil Assembly. Replace broil assembly being
careful to feed all wires through back wall of oven. Reinsert
all 7 screws.
Note; The air shutter on the broil burner fits over the orifice
when installed correctly.
6. Adjust Oven Burner Orifice
Tighten Orifice, The oven burner orifice is located below the
air shutter (See Figure 6). Reach it through the access hole in
the interior back panel of the warming drawer cavity. Use a 1/
2" wrench to turn orifice clockwise until it stops (2 - 2 1/2
Figure 5
Oven Cavity _ Side View
Figure 6
Oven Orifice and Air Shutter
Orifice Shutter