42 en | Basic Mode DinionHD 720p IP Camera
AR18-10-B013 | v1.52 | 2011.06 Installation and Operation Manual Bosch Security Systems
Confirm password
Re-enter the new password to ensure that there are no typing
The new password is only saved after clicking Set. Therefore,
click Set immediately after entering and confirming the
password, even if assigning a password at another level.
8.3 Date/Time
Device date, time and zone
If there are multiple devices operating in the system or
network, it is important to synchronize their internal clocks. For
example, it is only possible to identify and correctly evaluate
simultaneous recordings when all devices are operating on the
same time. Device time, date and time zone are shown.
– Click Sync to PC to apply the system time from your
computer to the device.
Time server IP address
The camera can receive the time signal from a time server using
various time server protocols and then use it to set the internal
clock. The device polls the time signal automatically once every
minute. Enter the IP address of a time server.
Time server type
Select the protocol that is supported by the selected time
server. It is recommended to select the SNTP server protocol.
This protocol provides high accuracy and is required for special
applications and future function extensions. Select Time server
if the server uses the RFC 868 protocol.
It is important to ensure that the date/time is correct for
recording. An incorrect date/time setting could prevent correct