Bosch Security Systems | 2007-10 | PLE-2MA120-US, PLE-2MA240-US en
Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instructions | Connections and settings en | 24
table 4.2: Rotary controls
Rotary control Effect Typical example
Ducking level control Sets the required ducking level when VOX and/or
push to talk is active (see table 4.1). When the
ducking level is set to mute, the music volume will be
fully attenuated; when the ducking level is set to mix,
both music and speech inputs can be heard - music
and speech will be mixed. When ducking the music
input is ducked (attenuated), the microphone/line
inputs are always muted when a call is made.
Set the ducking level control to
mute if you want the
announcement to be heard without
background music.
Chime volume
Alters the chime volume. The mid range is -8 dB
(40 V), which should be sufficient for most
applications. Test the chime by switching on
microphone 1. Remove the microphone after testing
if it is not further required.
Set the volume of the chime to a
higher level when the system is
being used in large open areas or
when important announcements
have to made.
Tele ph on e
volume control
Attenuates the emergency announcement or signal.
Control range from -25 dB to 0 dB. For safety
reasons, the volume of the emergency
announcement or signal cannot be fully set to zero.
Set the volume of the emergency
announcement to a higher level
when the system is being used in
large open areas.
When PTT or VOX are selected, the ducking
control controls between 3 dB attenuation (very
little ducking) to –∞ dB (muted).
When ducking, the music is also present on the
Call only output. If you do not want this, set the
ducking control to mute.
When ducking, music in a non-selected zone is
also affected.
table 4.3: Master switch for line out or music only
Slide switch setting Effect Typical example
Line out All mixed inputs (microphone/line, emergency, and
music) are available.
Various set-ups are possible.
Music only A dedicated music out source is available for another
external device. Only the music inputs (18, 19, and
20) are available. All other inputs, including the
Tel. emergency/70V input will be overridden.
The “music master output” can be
connected to a telephone system,
so that callers can listen to music
when they are put on hold.