Security Escort | Technical Reference Manual | 3.0 System Menus
and Screens
Bosch Security Systems | 6/12 | 38947D
Demo Man Down Alarm, Subscriber 3
For demonstration only, it cannot be
used in a live system. Causes the
system to display a man down alarm from
the subscriber with transmitter ID
number three. The man down alarm is
delayed by the programmed man down
delay (usually 10 seconds).
Demo Man Down Restoral, Subscriber 3
For demonstration only, it cannot be
used in a live system. Restores a
previous man down alarm from the
subscriber with transmitter ID number
two, if it has not timed out and is not
being displayed.
Demo Test Subscriber 1
For demonstration only, it cannot be
used in a live system. Simulates a test
from the subscriber with transmitter ID
number one.
Demo Test Subscriber 2
For demonstration only, it cannot be
used in a live system. Simulates a test
from the subscriber with transmitter ID
number two.
Demo Test Subscriber 3 with low battery
For demonstration only, it cannot be
used in a live system. Simulates a test
from the subscriber with transmitter ID
number three. This test also reports
low battery.
Demo Troubles
For demonstration only, it cannot be
used in a live system. Simulate
troubles from a transponder. Point
troubles are simulated for AC loss,
tamper, and no response. Transponder
troubles are simulated for remote key
and remote key tamper. The individual
troubles can be enabled or disabled in
the pop-up Trouble Filter Screen. The
trouble delay in the pop-up Trouble
Filter Screen also affects these
troubles. For demo purposes, it should
be set to zero.
Demo Trouble Restoral
For demonstration only, it cannot be
used in a live system. Simulates
trouble restorals for all the troubles
sent in Demo Troubles.
Demo Maintenance Alarm
For demonstration only, it cannot be
used in a live system. Simulates an
alarm from a maintenance transmitter.
Demo Maintenance Test
For demonstration only, it cannot be
used in a live system. Simulates a test
from a maintenance transmitter.
3.6.1 About Screen
The About Screen presents the version
information, copyright data, and
internal processing timers.
Software Version
At the top of the screen, the software
version and the date and time that it
was compiled is displayed.
Free Disk Space
This shows the free disk space on the
āCā drive of this computer.
Total Disk Space
This shows the total disk space on the
āCā drive of this computer.
Tick Time
The amount of time spent in the tick
time processor per pass.
Idle Time
The amount of time spent in the Idle
Time processor per pass.
Alarm Time
The amount of time spent to process
each Alarm Report from a transponder.