Application Note
BlueBox Demo-Board for the digital sensors
SMB365 (acceleration) and SMD500 (pressure)
Bosch Sensortec
Rev. 1.0
Page 28
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12. absolute altitude above sea level
• Display shows the absolute altitude above sea level in meter or feet
• the absolute altitude in meter is calculated according to the international
barometric formula (see chapter 3.3)
• meter and feet can be converted as followed:
o meter = feet / 0.3048
o feet = meter * 0.3048
13. Altimeter gauge
• Display shows the calculated altitude in the meter or feet
14. digital value pressure
• Display shows digital output pressure value of the SMD500 in LSB
15. pressure at sea level
• Display shows the pressure at sea level in hPa, PSI or mm Hg
16. Barometer gauge
• Display shows the pressure at sea level in hPa, PSI and mm Hg
17. digital value temperature
• Display shows digital output temperature value of the SMD500 in LSB
18. Temperature
• Display shows the calculated temperature value in °C, °F or K
• Fahrenheit, Kelvin and Celsius can be converted as followed:
o °F = °C * 1.8 + 32
o K = °C + 273.15
o °C = (°F - 32) / 1,8
o K = °F + 459.67 / 1.8
o °C = K - 273.15
o °F = K *1.8 - 459.67
19. Thermometer gauge
• Display shows the calculated temperature value in °C and °F