30 en | Cable and Wire Standards AutoDome Power Supply Boxes
F.01U.250.895 | 1.0 | 2011.08 Installation Guide Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
In a daisy chain configuration, where multiple domes are
connected in series, the 100 Ω resistor must be removed from
all but the last dome. You can daisy chain a maximum of four (4)
Figure 3.3 Connections for a Daisy Chain Configuration
3.4.2 Controlling the AutoDome via the RS232 Protocol
(3-wire, full-duplex, single-ended, 50 ft. cable limit)
RS232 is a common, single-ended communication protocol
used for control. Data transmission via 3-wires (TDX, RXD,
common) is from one transmitter to one receiver at relatively
slow baud rates (up to 57.6 Kbaud) and short distances up to
50 ft.
1 C- (Biphase) 9 Dome 3
2 C+ (Biphase) 10 Dome 2
3 Earth Ground 11 Dome 1
4 RxD 12 Head End Biphase
5 TxD 13 C- (Biphase)
6 Signal Ground 14 C + (Biphase)
7 Last Dome Data In/Out 15 Shield
8 P105/P106 Connector in Power
Supply Box
After making the wire connections for RS232 operation,
reposition the slide switch located on the CPU Module to the
camera head inward and away from the LEDs.