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desired and allow to rise until doubled in volume. If only
1 rise is desired, remove from bread maker, let rest, shape
and rise as above.
• Baker’s Tip: Dough has doubled in volume when an
indentation remains after tip of a finger is pressed lightly
and quickly into dough. If indentation springs back, cover
and let rise a few more minutes and check again.
Important: For use only with the Dough Cycle
• Always allow optimum rising of shaped dough.
• Use pastry brush to apply glaze.
• Bake as directed in recipe.
Egg Yolk Glaze
For shiny golden crust, mix 1 slightly beaten egg or egg yolk
with 1 tbsp. water or milk.
Egg White Glaze
For shiny, chewy crust, mix 1 slightly beaten egg white with
1 tbsp. water.
If desired, sprinkle chopped nuts or fruit and/or seeds
after glazing.
Lightly Floured
Sprinkle enough flour onto work area so dough can be handled
without sticking.
Important: Once rolls are shaped, cover and let rise until
doubled before baking.
Cloverleaf Rolls
Shape into ½-inch balls. Place 3 balls in each greased
muffin tin.
Crisscross Rolls
Shape into balls, setting 2 aside. Combine balls and roll into
-inch thick square. Cut strips
-inch wide and 2-inches
long. Brush top of roll with beaten egg. Place 1 strip across top
of each ball. Repeat process, placing second strip in opposite
direction across top of each ball.
Traditional Rolls
Shape into balls. For “pull apart” rolls, place dough balls with
sides touching in 8 or 9-inch round or square greased baking
pan. For “individual” rolls place dough balls 2 inches apart.
5. Press LOAF to choose loaf size, press CRUST to choose crust
color, then press START to begin timer. The colon (:) in time
display begins to flash, letting you know timer is started.
When your bread is finished baking, bread maker will beep
and “0:00” will appear in display window. Press START/STOP
and open lid.
6. If you make an error after you’ve activated program and want
to start over, press and hold START/STOP for approximately
5 seconds. Timer will clear and you can begin again.
The Bake Only cycle offers the flexibility to vary time. You can
bake pre-made dough or dough purchased at the store using
this cycle. You may also use this cycle if crust color is too light
or if your sweet bread is not quite done. Check every
few minutes.
1. Press the MENU button and move to cycle 13.
2. Adjust the amount of time you need up to 90 minutes.
3. Press START to begin baking.
Select one of the following special glazes to enhance your
• Melted Butter Crust: Brush melted butter over just-baked
bread for a softer, more tender crust.
• Milk Glaze: For a softer, shiny crust, brush just-baked bread
with milk or cream.
• Sweet Icing Glaze: Mix 1 cup sifted confectioner’s sugar with
1 to 2 tablespoons of milk, water or fruit juice until smooth.
Drizzle glaze over raisin or sweet bread when they are
almost cool.
Note: If desired, generously sprinkle with your choice of nuts or
seeds after glazing.
Tips for Best Results
• If using delay bake timer, make sure yeast is on top of flour,
away from liquids.
Important: Never allow dough to remain in bread maker after
cycle is complete; it may over rise and damage machine.
• Rising times for dough after it is shaped and placed in
baking pan will vary due to recipe, temperature and humidity
level of your kitchen. Optimum temperature for rising is 80°–
85°F. Rising is the most essential feature in bread making.
• Bread maker allows dough to have first rise or fermentation
before dough is removed. Fermentation conditions gluten,
(becoming pliable and elastic with a soft, smooth quality)
develops flavor and leavens product.
• Sometimes a double rising is beneficial especially for whole
grain or 100% whole wheat bread. Let dough rise once in
bread maker. Remove from bread maker, punch down, let
rise again, punch down and let rest 10 minutes. Resting
allows gluten to relax and makes handling easier. Shape as