Cut ingredients into approximately 2.5cm cubes. Use the PULSE
button for roughly chopped texture. Use high-range speed for finely
chopped texture. It may be necessary to srcape the sides of bowl
using the spatula to ensure more even chopping.
RAW MEAT Trim meat of any bone, fat or gristle and cut into approximately
2.5cm cubes. Process on high-range speed until chopped/minced to
desired consistency. It may be necessary to scape the sides of bowl
using the spatula to ensure more even chopping.
GARLIC, CHILLI, GINGER For garlic, peel cloves and leave whole. For chilli, leave whole
(remove seeds for milder chilli). For ginger, peel and cut into 2.5cm
cubes. Process using high-range speed until chopped to desired
consistency. Store chopped garlic or chilli mixed with a little oil in
an airtight container in refrigerator for up to 1 week. Mix ginger
with a little sherry.
Wash herbs and dry well. Remove stalks/stems if necessary. Use PULSE
button to chop to desired consistency. It may be necessary to scrape the
sides of bowl using the spatula to ensure more even chopping.
NUTS Ensure shells of nuts are removed. For crushed nuts use PULSE
button until chopped to desired consistency. For fine nut meal
process on high speed until a fine and even texture is achieved. It
may be necessary to scrape the edges of bowl using the spatula
to ensure more even chopping. Do not over process or nuts will
become oily and produce a nut butter (see ‘Peanut Butter)
DRIED FRUIT As dried fruit can be sticky, place in freezer for about 10 minutes
(this prevents the fruit sticking to the blades). Process using the
PULSE button until chopped to desired size or consistency.
NOTE: If chopping fruit to add to cake batter, process the fruit
before making batter, adding a little flour from recipe quantity to
prevent fruit sticking to processing blade.
CITRUS PEEL Remove the peel from the fruit using a vegetable peeler and cut into
2.5cm pieces.
NOTE: The white pith between the skin and citrus flesh is bitter, so
carefully remove the citrus peel ensuring the pith remains on the fruit.
Place peel and sugar into food processor bowl and process on high
speed until chopped to desired size. It may be necessary to scrape the
sides of bowl using the spatula to ensure more even chopping.
HARD BOILED EGGS Shell and halve the eggs, when cool, before placing in food processor
bowl. Use PULSE button to roughly chop eggs. It may be necessary to
scrape the sides of bowl using the spatula to ensure more even chopping.
SOFT BREAD CRUMBS Remove crusts from slices of stale bread and tear into quarters.
Process on high speed until fine bread crumbs are formed. For coarse
breadcrumbs use the PULSE button. Dried breadcrumbs are not
CAKE CRUMBS Cut cake into approximately 2.5cm cubes. Process as for soft
breadcrumbs (above).
BISCUIT CRUMBS Break biscuits into bowl. Process on high speed until fine crumb
texture. If making a crust for cheesecake or slice, add melted butter
through food chute whilst motor is running.