Air Cleaner
All engines have an air cleaner cartridge. The cartridge
is either flat or oval (see illustrations). In addition, some
engines have a pre-cleaner.
Do not use pressurized air or solvents to clean
cartridge. Pressurized air can damage cartridge;
solvents will dissolve cartridge.
To clean pre-cleaner (if equipped), separate it from
cartridge and wash in liquid detergent and water. Air dry
thoroughly. Do not oil. Re-assemble dry pre-cleaner on
clean cartridge.
Flat Air Cleaner
1. Loosen screw and tilt cover down.
2. Remove air filter.
3. Install new filter with the lip of pre-cleaner
Ê, if
equipped, at bottom of cartridge pleats.
4. Insert cover’s tabs into slots in bottom of base.
5. Tilt cover up into place and tighten screw.
Oval Air Cleaner
1. Loosen two screws Ê and lift off cover.
2. Remove air cleaner cartridge
Ë and pre-cleaner
Ì if equipped, carefully from base to ensure no
debris falls into engine.
3. Place new pre-cleaner on cartridge and re-install
new cartridge assembly securely into base.
4. Place cover over air cleaner and tighten screws.
Spark Plug
Check the spark plug every 100 hours. Replace the
spark plug if upon inspection the electrodes
Ê are
burned or worn. Ensure the spark plug is clean. Check
the gap
Ë with a feeler gage Ì and reset to .51 mm or
0.20 in. if necessary. Use only Briggs & Stratton Spark
Tester (part number 19368) to check for spark.
Note: In some areas, local law requires using resistor
spark plug to suppress ignition signals. If this
engine was originally equipped with resistor
spark plug, use same type for replacement.