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Appendix (About PrintMaster Gold Software)
Mindscape and PrintMaster are registered trademarks and the Mindscape logo is a trademark of The
Learning Company all logos abd trademarks are the property of Mattel Interactive.
Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe system Incorporated.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft corp. in the U.S. and other countries.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machine, Inc.
You don’t need a computer to use the Cool Laminator. However, if you have a computer and printer, the
bundled PC software, PrintMaster Gold makes it easy to produce beautiful projects you'll love to show
around. Simply choose from PrintMaster Gold's selection of beautiful, ready-to-print designs, make any
changes you want, and you're ready to print. It's really that easy!
If you have any technical problems with this software, please contact the technical service department of the
software company The Learning Company.
The list of Technical Support is as follows.
Country Location
USA Online Support Request Form: www.expressit.com
Technical Support Email: help@tlcsupport.com
(Note : the web site is spelled: TLCSUPPORT.COM)
Online Technical Library: www.support.expressit.com
24 Hour Fax: 319-395-9600
Technical Support Call Center: 319-247-3333
Business Hours: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (CST)
Mailing Address
Mattel Interactive
1700 Progress Drive
PO Box 100-TS
Hiawatha, IA 52233-0100 USA
Attn: Printmaster 4 Publishing Suite
UK Tech Support e-mail: uksupport@learningco.com
Phone: 09062165432 (Calls cost 25p/min & may be
monitored/recorded. Correct at Apr 1999)
Facsimile: 09062165433 (All calls cost 25p/min.
Correct at Apr 1999)
The Learning Company
PO Box 121
RH11 9YP
Attn: Printmaster 4 Publishing Suite
AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-2-9899-2277
Facsimile: 61-2-9899-2348
Unit 6
372 Eastern Valley Way
NSW 2067
Each time when you use PrintMaster, you will have to insert the PrintMaster Gold CD-ROM to your PC.