
Field Calibration of the Concentrate Pumps & Dispenser Flow Rates
5. Place a 1500 to 2000 ml graduated container under Left Dispense Tip.
6. Press & Hold the Regular dispense switch. The dispenser will display a 20 second count down timer and
then stop dispensing automatically. Release the dispense switch.
7. Keep the graduated container under dispense tip until all the water stops dripping.
8. Measure the volume of water collected in the graduated container.
The acceptable range for the volume of water collected is .95 - 1.12 liters
9. If the amount of water collected is not within the acceptable range, empty the graduated container and
repeat STEPS 5 – 8.
10. If the amount collected is still not within range, inspect the dispense valves, tubing and mix chamber for
lime, kinks or other obstructions.
11. When satisfied with the volume of water collected, press the MENU switch. The current Water Calibration
volume “C3 XX” will be displayed.
12. Use the (-) / (+) keys to adjust number displayed to the amount measured in STEP 8.
Decaffeinated Coffee - Right Dispenser Flow Rate Calibration
Depress the MENU switch to display the Decaffeinated Coffee Flow Rate calibration menu “C4 run”.
Repeat STEPS 3 – 12 above for the right side “Decaf” pump.
Field Calibrating the Empty Product Warning
The dispenser will automatically turn on the Regular or Decaf “REFILL LED”, see Operating Controls and Interface,
when the corresponding container is Empty. The Refill message is triggered when the conductance sensor read-
ing drops below the minimum setting. The factory set minimum is 600 and should be correct for most locations.
However, in some areas the hardness of the local water supply may effect this reading. If the Refill message
doesn’t come on when the container is empty or the message comes on too early and there is still concentrate
left in the container, use the following procedure to find the correct Empty Product Threshold.
Calibrating The Empty Product Threshold
1. Open the dispenser door to access the digital programming module with LED display and set the Function
Switch to the “Rinse” position. Leave the door open to view the LED display.
2. Place a large container under the dispenser tip, then activate and hold the Regular Coffee dispense switch.
3. Hold the dispense switch long enough to rinse all the concentrate out of the mix chamber and for the Con-
ductance reading to stabilize and stop dropping.
4. Record the nominal Conductance value displayed. (NOTE: It is typical for this value to fluctuate (+/- 25) points
about the nominal value.) This is the conductance reading of the water in your area.
5. Repeat steps 2, 3 & 4 for the Decaf Coffee dispenser.
6. Add 100 points to the larger of the Regular or Decaf conductance value. This is the new Empty Product
threshold value for your dispenser.
7. Enter this new value into the Empty Product Alarm threshold position P8 XXX”, see Programming the
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