Program Edit
In the Program Menu you are able to select Program Edit. This will allow you to edit
your program preferences; lock, skip, favourite, move or delete programs. To
enter the Program Edit Menu you will need to enter either your set password
or the default password '000000'.
Setting a Favourite Program
You can create a shortlist of favourite programs that you can easily access by
pressing the Favourite Button.
To set a favourite TV or Radio program:
1. Select the preferred program from the channel list and then press the FAVOURITE
Button on your remote. A heart shaped symbol will appear and the program will be
marked as a favourite.
2. Repeat step 1 to select more Favourite programs.
3. To confirm and exit the Menu, press the EXIT key.
To disable a favourite TV or Radio Program:
Select the program again and then press the FAVOURITE button for a second time
this will remove the heart shaped symbol and disable the favourite setting.
Viewing a Favourite Program
1. Press the Favourite Button and then Favourite Menu will appear.
2. Press the Up or Down Buttons to select your favourite program.
3. Press the OK Button to select and watch your favourite program.
Deleting a TV or Radio Program
You can delete TV or Radio Programs from the channel list, if you desire.
To delete a TV or Radio program:
1. Select the program you wish to delete and then press the BLUE Button. A
message will appear, asking you to condirm if you wish to delete this program.
Press the OK Button to confirm.
2. Repeat Step 1 delete more programs.
3. To confirm and exit the Menu, press the EXIT key.