1-800-522-8863 (TUNE)
Sangean HDT-1
HD Radio
Component Tuner
The Sangean HDT-1 HD
Radio Component Tuner
is an easy way to add an
HD radio component to your stereo system. The HDT-1 picks up more
HD radio multicasts than other stand-alone HD radios we tested, and it
has a great HD Seek button (on the remote control) that makes finding
new HD radio stations a breeze. The HDT-1 gets even better HD radio
reception when used with an FM Reflect Antenna (page 37). RCA outputs
(RCA type audio cable included). Review additional specs online at
ccrane.com/HDT-1 Weight: 5.7 lbs. Size: 17" W x 2.75" H x 10" D.
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The FM Reflect (page 37) is the perfect indoor antenna for HD FM radio.
It picks up the HD signal with a flat response for the cleanest reception.
Turn on an HD radio and youʼll discov-
er a secret of the airwaves: FM sta-
tions can match CD quality sound, and
thereʼs more free music and entertain-
ment than ever. While HD Radio still
has to iron out some kinks with recep-
tion, on FM you can enjoy several
multicast feeds per station. In general,
it is best to be within 25 miles of the
HD station you want to listen to.
About HD Radio
Sangean HDT-1X HD Radio Component Tuner with Digital Out
Built on the ground-breaking HDT-1, the Sangean HDT-1X adds a digital
output, manual analog, and a larger remote.
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Sangean WFT-1
FM/WiFi Tuner
Sangeanʼs new FM/WiFi
tuner has a good four-line
backlit display in a component-style box. Line-out audio quality to your
stereo system is clean and flat and comes with preset audio styles, plus
bass and treble to choose from. The full-size remote gives you easy, reli-
able control of the component radio — including calling up 20 presets (10
for internet and 10 for FM). The “Info” button accesses background infor-
mation. Uses the V-Tuner stream. More info at ccrane.com/WFT-1
Weight: 6 lbs. Size: 16.9" W x 2.9" H x 9.9" D.
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