SNA Status and Configuration
7-8 Configuring SNA Ports
Figure 7-2. SDLC Physical Unit Subscriber Table
The SDLC Physical Unit Subscriber Table allows you to conÞgure the following
This is the SDLC PU Station Address, 00 - ff, that identiÞes the PU you are
conÞguring. It must match the ADDR parameter set in the macro PU in the VTAM
Local Subscriber Id
This is the subscriber address of the local end of a SNA connection. Enter a
Subscriber ID of up to 15 digits. This is the same subscriber ID that is speciÞed in
the Subscriber Table (see Chapter 4, ConÞguring the Subscriber Table, for
Subscriber ID conventions). Each local subscriber conÞgured here must also be
conÞgured in the Subscriber Table, so that routing information for each subscriber
address can be speciÞed.
An SNA TPAD subscriber can specify only one remote device, which can be an HPAD or
an X.25 connection to the host. An HPAD subscriber can specify up to 16 remote devices,
any of which can be a TPAD or an X.25 connection to the host. An XPAD subscriber can
specify only one remote device, which must be another XPAD.