Index-4 2E43-51/2E43-51R User’s Guide
broadcast pkts 5-78
collisions 5-78
CRC align errors 5-78
data source 5-78
drop events 5-78
fragments 5-79
index 5-80
jabbers 5-79
multicasts 5-78
oversize packets 5-79
owner 5-78
RMON index 5-77
status 5-78
total octets 5-79
total packets 5-79
undersize packets 5-79
Runtime IP address discovery 1-5
Safety information
laser iv
Screen lockout time 5-25
Screen refresh time 5-25
Broadcast Suppression screen 5-58
Device Configuration screen 5-15
Device Menu screen 5-13
Device Specific Configuration
Menu screen 5-39
Device Statistics Menu screen 5-69
exiting from 5-11
FLASH Download screen 5-50
General Configuration screen 5-17
hierarchy of 5-9
High Speed Interface Configuration
Menu screen 5-44
High Speed Interface Configuration
screen 5-46
Interface Statistics screen 5-73
Network Tools screen 5-85
Password screen 5-8
Port Level Security Configuration
screen 5-65
Port Redirect Function screen 5-55
Repeater Configuration Menu
screen 5-61
Repeater Level Security
Configuration screen 5-62
Repeater Statistics screen 5-81
RMON Statistics screen 5-77
selection of 5-11
SNMP Community Names
screen 5-31
SNMP Traps screen 5-34
Switch Configuration screen 5-36
Switch Statistics screen 5-71
System Resources screen 5-41
setting of port level security 5-68
setting of repeater level
security 5-64
Setup of
management terminal 5-5
SNMP Community Names
setting of 5-31
SNMP Community Names screen
access policy 5-32
community name 5-32
SNMP Traps screen 5-34
enable traps 5-35
trap community name 5-34
trap destination 5-34
trap table configuration 5-35
Spanning Tree Algorithm 5-37
Special Commands
use of 5-86
Special Commands, Network
Tools 5-94
Specifications A-1
Standards compatibility 1-6
Subnet mask 5-18, 5-21
Switch address 5-37
Switch Configuration screen 5-36
age time 5-38
MAC address 5-37
number of ports 5-37
port # 5-37