Using the 7C0x SmartSwitch User’s Guide 1-3
Introduction to SPMA for the 7C0x SmartSwitch
Using the 7C0x SmartSwitch User’s Guide
Your SPECTRUM Portable Management Application (SPMA) for the 7C0x
SmartSwitch consists of a number of different applications, each of which
provides a portion of the overall management functionality. Each of these
applications can be accessed from the icon menu (if you are using a management
platform) and from the Stand-alone Launcher or the command line (if you are
running in stand-alone mode); in addition, several applications can also be
accessed from within the Hub View, a graphical display of the 7C0x SmartSwitch
hub and its installed modules.
The 7C0x SmartSwitch
User’s Guide
describes how to use many of the
applications included with the module; note that the instructions provided in this
guide apply to the 7C0x SmartSwitch module regardless of the operating system
or management platform you are using. Instructions for launching each
individual function from the command line (stand-alone mode) are also included
in each chapter.
Following is a description of the applications covered in this guide; while we
provide as much background information as we can, we do assume that you’re
familiar with Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, FDDI, and ATM networks, traditional
bridging and switching, and with general network management concepts:
• Chapter 1,
Introduction to SPMA for the 7C0x SmartSwitch
, describes the
7C0x SmartSwitch
User’s Guide
and the conventions used in this and other
SPMA manuals, explains where to find information about the 7C0x
SmartSwitch, and tells you how to contact Cabletron Systems Technical
• Chapter 2,
Using the 7C0x SmartSwitch Hub View
, describes the visual
display of the Hub and explains how to use the mouse within the Hub View;
some basic functions (changing the Hub View display, opening menus and
windows, enabling and disabling bridge ports, and so on) available only from
within the Hub View are also described. You can access the Hub View
application from the icon menu or the command line.
• Chapter 3,
Alarm Configuration
, describes how the 7C0x’s RMON
functionality allows you to set thresholds and enable or disable alarms for any
installed bridging interface based on selected MIB II statistics; this chapter also
describes how to specify a response to an alarm condition. You can access the
Alarm Configuration application from the icon menu, the Hub View, or the
command line.
• Chapter 4,
FDDI Management
, describes the five applications available for
managing any installed FDDI interfaces. You can access the FDDI applications
from the Hub View or the command line.
• Chapter 5,
ATM Configuration
, describes how to use the ATM configuration
application to view and configure the Permanent Virtual Circuits supported
by any installed 7A06-01 modules.