DIP Switch (Dual In-line Package) - a device that has two parallel rows of
contacts that let the user switch electrical current through a pair of those con-
tacts to on or off. They are used to reconfigure components and peripherals.
Domain Name Server - a computer that converts names to their correspond-
ing Internet numbers. It allows users to telnet or FTP to the name instead of
the number.
DNS (Domain Name System) - the distributed name and address mecha-
nism used in the Internet.
DSn (Digital Standard n (0, 1, 1C, 2, and 3)) - a method that defines the rate
and format of digital hierarchy.
Asynchronous data rates are defined as follows:
DS0 64kb/s 1 voice channel
DS1 1.544Mb/s 24 DS0s
DS1C 3.152 Mb/s 2 DS1s
DS2 6.312 Mb/s 4 DS1s
DS3 44.736 Mb/s 28 DS1s
Synchronous data rates (SONET) are defined as:
STS-1/OC-1 51.84 Mb/s 28 DS1s or 1 DS3
STS-3/OC-3 155.52 Mb/s 3 STS-1s byte interleaved
STS-3c/OC-3c 155.52 Mb/s Concatenated, indivisible payload
STS-12/OC-12 622.08 Mb/s 12 STS-1s, 4 STS-3cs, or any mixture
STS-12c/OC-12c 622.08 Mb/s Concatenated, indivisible payload
STS-48/OC-48 2488.32 Mb/s 48 STS-1s, 16 STS-3cs, or any mixture
EGP (Exterior Gateway) Protocol - used by gateways in an internet, connect-
ing autonomous networks.
EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture) - a bus architecture for
desktop computers that provides a 32-bit data passage while maintaining
compatibility with the ISA or AT architecture.
elarp - a FORE program that shows and manipulates MAC and ATM address
mappings for LAN Emulation Clients (LECs).
elconfig - a FORE program that shows and modifies LEC configuration.
Allows the user to set the NSAP address of the LAN Emulation Configuration
Server (LECS), display the list of Emulated LANs (ELANs) configured in the
LECS for this host, display the list of ELANs locally configured along with the
membership state of each, and locally administer ELAN membership.