4-56 Ethernet and Token Ring Special Filter Databases
Clearing the Port Filtering Action
When you clear the port Þltering action of a Þlter, all ports that were conÞgured to
forwarding or blocking will be reset to no action. Note that when you clear port
Þltering for a Þlter, the Þltering or blocking action will be simultaneously cleared
at all of its receive ports.
In order to clear the port Þltering action, use the following steps.
1. Click to select the filter whose port filtering action you would like to disable.
2. Click on . This will clear the port filtering action for the
selected filter at all of its receive ports. The port filtering symbols will appear in
cleared mode.
Enabling and Disabling a Filter
To determine if a Þlter is enabled, check the Enable radio button.
To enable a Þlter:
1. Click on the empty Enable radio button. When the radio button is filled ( ),
the filter is enabled.
To disable a Þlter:
1. Click on the filled Enable radio button. When the radio button is empty ( ),
the filter is disabled.
Saving a Set of Filters to a File
When you have deÞned a set of Þlters, you can save that set to a Þle. This allows
you to conveniently recall a series of Þlters when the need arises.
To save a set of Þlters:
1. Make sure that all filters that you want contained in the set have the File
checkbox checked.
2. Click on . A menu will appear.
3. Click on Save As…. A standard Microsoft Windows Save File window will
4. In the File name field, specify the file name and file path in which you want to
save the filter series.
5. Click on OK. The file will be saved as indicated.
To update the file while it is still open, click on the Save selection from the
Filters pull-down menu.