Switch Hardware
3.2.5 SFCS-1000 Fan Tray
The SFCS-1000 comes with a removable fan tray. The speed of each fan is
monitored by circuitry in the CEC, and is available via SNMP. In this manner,
the failure of any fan can be detected immediately. The fan tray is hot-swap-
pable, and the entire tray may be replaced in the event of a single or multiple
fan failure. Please refer to Chapter 3, Hardware Maintenance Procedures, for
information about how to hot-swap a fan tray.
NOTE: The fans in the SFCS-200WG, and the SFCS-
200BX are not removable.
3.2.6 SFCS-1000 Temperature Sensing
In the SFCS-1000, a built-in thermal temperature sensor resides on each
switch board and reads out the board’s local temperature. By default, the
switch control software will trigger an alarm at 65˚C and will reset the alarm
when the temperature drops back down to 60˚C. However, the user can con-
figure these alarm and reset thresholds in the software on an individual board
via AMI. Please refer to Appendix C, AMI Operation Commands, in the
Cabletron ATM Switch Configuration Manual for more information about
configuring these thresholds. If the temperature of an individual switch board
were ever to reach 75˚C, the switch board would shut itself down immedi-