
Windows Desktop Tools- NexPath Call Director
Configuration and Setup
After logging in as described in “Establishing a network connection to the NexPath Telephone Server” on
page 95, you can set other configuration parameters at Tools->Options on the menu bar. The following dia-
log box appears:.
By default, NexDirector will display the caller’s number for any call connection information. If you would
prefer the caller’s name, then check the check box at the top. Note: Caller number and caller name (Caller
ID) are services provided by your telephone company, and must be subscribed to in order for the functions to
operate on the NexPath software.
This dialog box allows you to set the NexDirector to focus, or pop-up, on an incoming call to your exten-
sion, or when the phone is taken off-hook. It also allows the choice of caller name (instead of caller num-
ber), for each connection that is displayed on each view. Note: This information is provided in the Caller
ID service, which must be subscribed for with your telephone company in order for the NexDirector to
receive the information. To select one of these options, click in the box next to the option.
FIGURE 5-4. Options Configuration
user.bk Page 99 Wednesday, March 7, 2001 10:34 AM