Belor_ opeta_ing the c_nso_e, rr_ke sure that the power
cord is properly plugged in. (S_e HOW TO PLUG IN
THE POWER CORD on page 7.)
TIME disptay--This
display shows the total
time that you have
walked or run on the
Step onto the foot rails of the treadmill. Next, find the
cllp aftached to the key (see the drawing on page SI.
Slide the clip onto the waistband of your clothing.
Follow the steps below to operate the console.
CALORIES display--
This display shows the
approximate number of
calodes you have
inserting the key will not
turn or the displays. The
_ispt_ys wilt f_m on
when the ON/RESET
button is pressed or
when the walking bell is
started. Note: If you just
Insert the key tully into the power switch,
installed batteries, the displays will already be on.
SPEED display--This
display shows the speed
of the walking beft, in
miles per hour.
The displays can be
reset, if desired, by
pressing the ON/RESET
Reset the speed ¢ont_i,
Turn the speed ccrJ-
trol counterclock-
wise to the RESET
pos_tior=. Note:
I_ach time the
wafting belt is
=topped, the speed
control must be
turned to the
RESET position before the walking belt can be
Sterl the walking belt.
After you have |urged the speed control to the
RESET position, slowly turn it clockwise until the
walking belt begins to move at slow speed.
Carefully step onto the walking bell and begin exer-
cising. Change the speed of the walking belt as de-
sired by tumi_g the speed control.
To stop the walking belt, step onto the foot rails _nd
turn the speed control to the RESET position.
DISTANCE display--
This display shows the
total distance that you
have walked or run, in
Follow your progress with the monitor dlsplays.
Measure your pulse, if desired.
To use the pulse sensor, stand on the foot rails and
place your thumb
on the pulse 8er_-
sol 88 shown.
.The pUIS_ sensor
vatad; fully pres_
down the pu_se
sensor. Do not
press too hard,
or the circula-
tion in your thumb will be restricted, at3d your
pulme wilt not be detected. Next, slightly raise your
thumb until the heatt-shaped indicator in the PULSE
display flashes steadliy. Hold your thumb at this
level. After 5 to 10 seconds, your pulse will be
shown. Hold your thumb on the sensor for another
15 seconds for the most accurate reading. If the dis-
played pulse appears to be too high or toe low, or if
your pulse is not dis-
played, lift your th0mb
off the sensor and
allow the display to
reset. Press down
ag&in on the sensor as
descdbed above.
Make sure that your thumb is positioned as shown,
and that you are _pp/y_ng the proper amount of _es-
sure to the pulse sensor. Try the sensor several
times until you become fami[ier with it. Remember to
stand still while measuhng your pulse.