DVD Messages
The following errors may be displayed on the video
Disc Format Error: This message will be displayed if a
disc is inserted upside down, if the disc is not readable,
or if the format is not compatible with the DVD player.
Load/Eject Error: This message will be displayed if the
disc is not properly loaded or ejected.
Disc Play Error: This message will be displayed if the
DVD player cannot play the disc. Scratched or
damaged discs will cause this error.
Region Code Error: This message will be displayed if
the region code of the DVD is not compatible with
the region code of the DVD player.
No Disc: This message will be displayed if any of the
buttons on the DVD faceplate or remote control are
pressed and no disc is present in the DVD player.
DVD Distortion
There may be an experience with audio distortion
in the wireless headphones when operating cellular
phones, scanners, CB radios, Global Positioning
Systems (GPS)*, two-way radios, mobile fax, or
walkie talkies.
It may be necessary to turn off the DVD player when
operating one of these devices in or near the vehicle.
* Excludes the OnStar
Cleaning the Video Screen
Pour some isopropyl or rubbing alcohol on a clean cloth
and gently wipe the video screen. Do not spray
directly onto the screen and do not press too hard or
too long on the video screen.
Rear Seat Audio (RSA)
This feature allows rear seat passengers to listen to any
of the sources: radio, cassette tapes, CDs, or DVDs.
However, the rear seat passengers can only control the
sources that the front seat passengers are not
listening to. For example, rear seat passengers may
listen to and control cassette tapes, CDs, or DVDs
through the headphones while the driver listens to the
radio through the front speakers. The rear seat
passengers have control of the volume for each set of
The front seat audio controls always have priority over
the RSA controls. If the front seat passengers switch the
source for the main radio to a remote source, the RSA will
not be able to control the source. You can operate the
rear seat audio when the main radio is off.