Campbell Scientific CS512 Oxyguard Type III Dissolved Oxygen Probe
3. Optional Probe Accessories
PT4-L — Agitator for stagnant conditions
18026 — DO electrolyte, 1 liter
18027 — Membrane kit, 10 membranes
4. Optional Agitator
The PT4 Agitator is a reliable and robust agitator for use in conjunction with
probes subjected to bio-fouling in ponds and stagnant water conditions.
probes require a minimum water velocity across their membranes to function
properly. Therefore, to measure DO in stagnant water conditions, it is necessary to
move the water past the membrane to get accurate and reliable DO measurements.
In many instances the water also has a high bio-loading and the probes become
fouled resulting in inaccurate DO measurements.
FIGURE 4-1. Preventing Bio-fouling of the CS512
The PT4 Agitator overcomes these problems. The device is designed so that a soft
bristle brush sweeps across the probe membrane or sensor tip. This sweeping
action of the brush provides the required water velocity as well as prevents the
membrane from becoming bio-fouled.
The optimum sweeping frequency depends upon the design of probe and type of
membrane used and water conditions. An ON-time of 0.25 seconds and OFF-time
of 5 seconds is suitable in most circumstances.
Agitator’s overall size: 7-1/8" x 3-1/4" diameter, 1-1/4 lb. (180mm x 83mm, 0.6 kg)
Supplied with 10 ft. (3 meters) cable.
Power required: 10.5 to 18 VDC at the agitator, 1.1 amps. Maximum ON-time is
3 seconds.