Section 1. Preparation and Siting
Telephone numbers:
Phone Number Baud Rates
303-273-8672 2400
303-273-8673 1200
303-273-8678 1200
Upon carrier-signal detection, press Return once or twice.
If you are using one of the commercial numbers, the following prompts will
appear. Type the responses shown (followed by pressing RETURN):
GLDSV1> c neis [RETURN]
Username: QED [RETURN]
Q for Quick Epicenter Determinations (QED)
L for Earthquake Lists (EQLIST)
M for Geomagnetic Field Values (GEOMAG)
X to log out
Enter program option: M
Would you like information on how to run GEOMAG (Y/N)? N
1 = Field Values (D, I, H, X, Z, F)
2 = Magnetic Pole Positions
3 = Dipole Axis and Magnitude
4 = Magnetic Center [1] : 1
Display values twice [N]: press return
Name of field model [USCON90]: press return
[current date]:
press return
Latitude : 42/2 N
Longitude : 111/51/2 W
Elevation : 4454 ft
Example of report generated by GEOMAG:
Model: USCON90 Latitude: 42/2 N
Date : 7/27/93 Longitude: 111/51/2 W
Elevation: 4454.0 ft
deg min
15 59.6
Annual change:
0 -6.1