Answer Memory (Example #6)
• The input values or the most recent calculation result will
be automatically stored into Answer Memory whenever
you press , , , followed by a memory
variables, or just recall a memory variable by .
• You can recall and use the latest stored Answer Memory
by pressing .
! Answer Memory is not updated as an error operation had
been performed. Answer memory contents can be
maintained even if pressing , changing the calculation
mode, or turning off the calculator.
Fraction Operations
The Calculator support Fraction Calculation and the
conversions between Fraction, Decimal point, Mixed
fraction and Improper fraction. (Example #7)
• Result will be displayed in decimal format automatically
whenever the total digits of a fractional value (integer +
numerator + denominator + separator marks) exceeds 10.
• As a fraction calculation is mixed with decimal value, the
result will be displayed by decimal format.
! You can specify the fraction calculation result (when the
result greater than one) display format by either mixed
fraction or improper fraction.
Simply press [Disp] , then press the
corresponding setting you need:
a b/c : Mixed fraction
d/c : Improper fraction
Fix, Sci, Norm, ROUND
You can change the number of decimal point, the number
of significant digits, or the exponential notation criteria by
Press 1 (Fixed Decimal Setting) : [ Fix 0 ~ 9? ] appears,
specify the number of
decimal places by
pressing ~ .
Press 2 (Scientific Notation) : [ Sci 0 ~ 9? ] appears,
specify the number of
significant digits by
pressing ~ .
Press 3 (Exponential Notation) : [ Norm 1 ~ 2? ] appears.
Specify the exponential
notation format by
pressing or .
Norm 1 : Exponential notation is automatically used for
integer values with more than 10 digits and
decimal values with more than two decimal
Norm 2 : Exponential notation is automatically used for
integer values with more than 10 digits and
decimal values with more than nine decimal