Start? Input the lower limit of X (Default =1).
End? Input the upper limit of X (Default = 5).
*End value must be greater than the start value.
Step? Input the increment step (Default =1).
Input f(x) function to generate the function table for x & f(x).
Steps to generate a Number Table
1. Press to enter the Table function calculation.
2. Function Input screen
• Input function with X variable ( ) to generate the
Function Table Result.
• All other variables (A, B, C, D, Y) and independent
memory (M) act as the value.
• Pol, Rec, Q…r, S, functions can not be used in the
Function Input screen.
• The Function Table Calculation will change X-variable.
3. The input the start, end, & step information
• Input the value, press to confirm on the following
• Input expression and display result value in following
screens are in Line mode status
• There is a maximum of 30 x-values in the function table
generation. “Insufficient Error” will be shown if the start,
end, step value combination is more than 30 x-values.
Function (x, y) Table Calculation
You should input:-Display screen
In the Function Table Result screen, you cannot edit the
content, press to return to the Function Input screen.
Example : to generate the function table for
the range , incremented in steps of 1.
f (x)= x
f(x)= X
DisplayKey in operation