
Table 6 — 30XA080-500 Electrical Data, Dual Point (Standard Condenser Fan Motors)
1. Units are suitable for use on electrical systems where voltage supplied to the unit
terminals is not below or above the listed minimum and maximum limits. Maximum
allowable phase imbalance is: voltage, 2%; amps 10%.
2. Cooler heater is wired into the control circuit so it is always operable as long as the
control power supply disconnect is on, even if any safety device is open.
3. For MCA that is less than or equal to 380 amps, 3 conductors are required.
For MCA between 381-760 amps, 6 conductors are required.
For MCA between 761-1140 amps, 9 conductors are required.
For MCA between 1141-1520 amps, 12 conductors are required.
Calculation of conductors required is based on 75 C copper wire.
4. Wiring for main field supply must be rated 75 C minimum. Use copper for all units.
a. Incoming wire size range for the terminal block is no. 4 AWG (American Wire Gage)
to 500 kcmil.
b. Incoming wire size range of non-fused disconnect with MCA up to 599.9 amps is
3/0 to 500 kcmil.
c. Incoming wire size range of non-fused disconnect with MCA from 600 to 799.9 amps
is 1/0 to 500 kcmil.
d. Incoming wire size range of non-fused disconnect with MCA from 800 to 1199.9 amps
is 250 kcmil to 500 kcmil.
5. Data provided circuit 1/circuit 2 where there are two circuits.
(3 Ph)
1 PH,
60 Hz
230-60 207 253 3/3 173.3/173.3 250/ 250 342.0/342.0 1028.0/1028.0 225/225 115 40
200-60 187 220 3/3 190.9/190.9 300/ 300 392.9/392.9 1181.9/1181.9 250/250 115 40
460-60 414 506 3/3 86.6/ 86.6 125/ 125 171.0/171.0 514.0/ 514.0 110/110 115 40
575-60 518 633 3/3 66.5/ 66.5 110/ 110 137.2/137.2 411.2/ 411.2 80/ 80— 115 40
380-60 342 418 3/3 100.7/100.7 150/ 150 206.9/206.9 621.9/ 621.9 125/125 115 40
230-60 207 253 4/4 182.9/182.9 300/ 300 348.0/348.0 1034.0/1034.0 225/225 182.9/198.9 300/300 348.0/364.0 1034.0/1050.0 225/250 115 40
200-60 187 220 4/4 201.5/201.5 300/ 300 399.5/399.5 1188.5/1188.5 250/250 201.5/219.2 300/350 399.5/417.2 1188.5/1206.2 250/300 115 40
460-60 414 506 4/4 91.4/ 91.4 150/ 150 174.0/174.0 517.0/ 517.0 110/110 91.4/ 99.4 150/150 174.0/182.0 517.0/ 525.0 110/125 115 40
575-60 518 633 4/4 70.3/ 70.3 110/ 110 139.6/139.6 413.6/ 413.6 90/ 90 70.3/ 76.7 110/125 139.6/146.0 413.6/ 420.0 90/ 90 115 40
380-60 342 418 4/4 106.5/106.5 175/ 175 210.5/210.5 625.5/ 625.5 125/125 106.5/116.1 175/175 210.5/220.2 625.5/ 635.2 125/150 115 40
230-60 207 253 4/4 199.9/199.9 300/ 300 372.0/372.0 1114.0/1114.0 250/250 199.9/215.9 300/350 372.0/388.0 1114.0/1130.0 250/300 115 40
200-60 187 220 4/4 220.0/220.0 350/ 350 426.5/426.5 1280.5/1280.5 300/300 220.0/237.7 350/350 426.5/444.2 1280.5/1298.2 300/300 115 40
460-60 414 506 4/4 99.9/ 99.9 150/ 150 186.0/186.0 557.0/ 557.0 125/125 99.9/107.9 150/175 186.0/194.0 557.0/ 565.0 125/150 115 40
575-60 518 633 4/4 76.4/ 76.4 125/ 125 148.6/148.6 445.6/ 445.6 90/ 90 76.4/ 82.8 125/125 148.6/155.0 445.6/ 452.0 90/100 115 40
380-60 342 418 4/4 116.5/116.5 175/ 175 225.5/225.5 674.5/ 674.5 150/150 116.5/126.2 175/200 225.5/235.2 674.5/ 684.2 150/150 115 40
230-60 207 253 4/4 241.0/199.9 400/ 300 372.0/372.0 300/250 241.0/215.9 400/350 372.0 /388.0 300/300 115 40
200-60 187 220 4/4 264.9/220.0 450/ 350 426.5/426.5 350/300 264.9/237.7 450/350 426.5/444.2 350/300 115 40
460-60 414 506 4/4 120.0/ 99.9 200/ 150 186.0/186.0 557.0/557.0 150/125 120.0/107.9 200/175 186.0/194.0 557.0/ 565.0 150/150 115 40
575-60 518 633 4/4 92.5/ 76.4 150/ 125 148.6/148.6 445.6/445.6 110/ 90 92.5/ 82.8 150/125 148.6/155.0 445.6/ 452.0 110/100 115 40
380-60 342 418 4/4 140.2/116.5 225/ 175 225.5/225.5 674.5/674.5 175/150 140.2/126.2 225/200 225.5/235.2 674.5/ 684.2 175/150 115 40
230-60 207 253 4/4 241.0/241.0 400/ 400 372.0/372.0 300/300 241.0/257.0 400/400 372.0/388.0 300/350 115 40
200-60 187 220 4/4 264.9/264.9 450/ 450 426.5/426.5 350/350 264.9/282.6 450/450 426.5/444.2 350/350 115 40
460-60 414 506 4/4 120.0/120.0 200/ 200 186.0/186.0 557.0/557.0 150/150 120.0/128.0 200/200 186.0/194.0 557.0/ 565.0 150/150 115 40
575-60 518 633 4/4 92.5/ 92.5 150/ 150 148.6/148.6 445.6/445.6 110/110 92.5/ 98.9 150/150 148.6/155.0 445.6/ 452.0 110/125 115 40
380-60 342 418 4/4 140.2/140.2 225/ 225 225.5/225.5 674.5/674.5 175/175 140.2/149.9 225/250 225.5/235.2 674.5/ 684.2 175/200 115 40
230-60 207 253 6/4 370.0/199.9 600/ 300 632.0/372.0 450/250 370.0/215.9 600/350 632.0/388.0 450/300 115 40
200-60 187 220 6/4 407.2/220.0 700/ 350 724.8/426.5 500/300 407.2/237.7 700/350 724.8/444.2 500/300 115 40
460-60 414 506 6/4 185.0/ 99.9 300/ 150 316.0/186.0 948.0/557.0 225/125 185.0/107.9 300/175 316.0/194.0 948.0/ 565.0 225/150 115 40
575-60 518 633 6/4 141.9/ 76.4 225/ 125 252.4/148.6 758.4/445.6 175/ 90 141.9/ 82.8 225/125 252.4/155.0 758.4/ 452.0 175/100 115 40
380-60 342 418 6/4 215.1/116.5 350/ 175 382.8/225.5 1147.8/674.5 300/150 215.1/126.2 350/200 382.8/235.2 1147.8/684.2 300/150 115 40
230-60 207 253 6/4 423.5/241.0 700/ 400 800.0/372.0 600/300 423.5/257.0 700/400 800.0/388.0 600/350 115 40
200-60 187 220 6/4 465.6/264.9 800/ 450 918.8/426.5 600/350 465.6/282.6 800/450 918.8/444.2 600/350 115 40
460-60 414 506 6/4 211.3/120.0 350/ 200 400.0/186.0 1208.0/557.0 250/150 211.3/128.0 350/200 400.0/194.0 1208.0/ 565.0 250/150 115 40
575-60 518 633 6/4 162.2/ 92.5 250/ 150 320.4/148.6 966.4/445.6 200/110 162.2/ 98.9 250/150 320.4/155.0 966.4/ 452.0 200/125 115 40
380-60 342 418 6/4 246.0/140.2 400/ 225 483.8/225.5 1462.8/674.5 300/175 246.0/149.9 400/250 483.8/235.2 1462.8/684.2 300/200 115 40
230-60 207 253 6/6 370.0/370.0 600/ 600 632.0/632.0 450/450 115 40
200-60 187 220 6/6 407.2/407.2 700/ 700 724.8/724.8 500/500 115 40
460-60 414 506 6/6 185.0/185.0 300/ 300 316.0/316.0 948.0/ 948.0 225/225 115 40
575-60 518 633 6/6 141.9/141.9 225/ 225 252.4/252.4 758.4/ 758.4 175/175 115 40
380-60 342 418 6/6 215.1/215.1 350/ 350 382.8/382.8 1147.8/1147.8 300/300 115 40
230-60 207 253 6/6 423.5/423.5 700/ 700 800.0/800.0 600/600 115 40
200-60 187 220 6/6 465.6/465.6 800/ 800 918.8/918.8 600/600 115 40
460-60 414 506 6/6 211.3/211.3 350/ 350 400.0/400.0 1208.0/1208.0 250/250 115 40
575-60 518 633 6/6 162.2/162.2 250/ 250 320.4/320.4 966.4/ 966.4 200/200 115 40
380-60 342 418 6/6 246.0/246.0 400/ 400 483.8/483.8 1462.8/1462.8 300/300 115 40
230-60 207 253 7/6 504.2/423.5 800/ 700 806.0/800.0 600/600 115 40
200-60 187 220 7/6 554.7/465.6 800/ 800 925.4/918.8 700/600 115 40
460-60 414 506 7/6 252.1/211.3 400/ 350 403.0/400.0 1211.0/1208.0 300/250 115 40
575-60 518 633 7/6 193.7/162.2 300/ 250 322.8/320.4 968.8/ 966.4 250/200 115 40
380-60 342 418 7/6 293.3/246.0 500/ 400 487.4/483.8 1466.4/1462.8 350/300 115 40
230-60 207 253 7/6 504.2/498.2 800/ 800 806.0/800.0 600/600 115 40
200-60 187 220 7/6 554.7/548.0 800/ 800 925.4/918.8 700/700 115 40
460-60 414 506 7/6 252.1/249.1 400/ 400 403.0/400.0 1211.0/1208.0 300/300 115 40
575-60 518 633 7/6 193.7/191.3 300/ 300 322.8/320.4 968.8/ 966.4 250/250 115 40
380-60 342 418 7/6 293.3/289.7 500/ 500 487.4/483.8 1466.4/1462.8 350/350 115 40
460-60 414 506 9/6 343.9/211.3 500/ 350 605.0/400.0 1827.0/1208.0 450/250 115 40
575-60 518 633 9/6 263.8/162.2 450/ 250 483.6/320.4 1461.6/ 966.4 350/200 115 40
380-60 342 418 9/6 399.0/246.0 600/ 400 732.7/483.8 2211.7/1462.8 500/300 115 40
460-60 414 506 9/7 343.9/252.1 500/ 400 605.0/403.0 1827.0/1211.0 450/300 115 40
575-60 518 633 9/7 263.8/193.7 450/ 300 483.6/322.8 1461.6/ 968.8 350/250 115 40
380-60 342 418 9/7 399.0/293.3 600/ 500 732.7/487.4 2211.7/1466.4 500/350 115 40
460-60 414 506 10/6 408.0/249.1 700/ 400 608.0/400.0 1830.0/1208.0 500/300 115 40
575-60 518 633 10/6 312.8/191.3 500/ 300 486.0/320.4 1464.0/ 966.4 400/250 115 40
380-60 342 418 10/6 474.2/289.7 800/ 500 736.3/483.8 2215.3/1462.8 600/350 115 40
460-60 414 506 9/9 343.9/343.9 500/ 500 605.0/605.0 1827.0/1827.0 450/450 115 40
575-60 518 633 9/9 263.8/263.8 450/ 450 483.6/483.6 1461.6/1461.6 350/350 115 40
380-60 342 418 9/9 399.0/399.0 600/ 600 732.7/732.7 2211.7/2211.7 500/500 115 40
460-60 414 506 9/9 405.0/343.9 700/ 500 605.0/605.0 1827.0/1827.0 500/450 115 40
575-60 518 633 9/9 310.4/263.8 500/ 450 483.6/483.6 1461.6/1461.6 400/350 115 40
380-60 342 418 9/9 470.5/399.0 800/ 600 732.7/732.7 2211.7/2211.7 600/500 115 40
460-60 414 506 8/12 340.9/452.0 500/ 600 602.0/602.9 1824.0/1410.9 450/500 115 50
575-60 518 633 8/12 261.4/347.2 450/ 450 48
1.2/476.3 1459.2/1122.3 350/400 115 50
380-60 342 4188/12 395.4/525.8 600/ 700 729.1/719.9 2208.1/1698.9 500/600 115 50
460-60 414 506 8/14 402.0/553.6 700/ 800 602.0/753.6 1824.0/1975.6 500/700 115 50
575-60 518 633 8/14 308.0/424.4 500/ 600 481.2/597.6 1459.2/1575.6 400/500 115 50
380-60 342 4188/14 466.9/643.3 800/ 800 729.1/905.5 2208.1/2384.5 600/800 115 50
460-60 414 506 8/14 402.0/604.9 700/ 800 602.0/804.9 1824.0/2026.9 500/700 115 50
575-60 518 633 8/14 308.0/463.9 500/ 600 481.2/637.1 1459.2/1615.1 400/600 115 50
380-60 342 4188/14 466.9/703.0 800/1000 729.1/965.2 2208.1/2444.2 600/800 115 50
ICF Instantaneous Current Flow
MCA Minimum Circuit Amps
MOCP Maximum Overcurrent Protection
WD Wye-Delta
XL Across-the-Line