Cooling/Econ SAT Low Setpt
The supply air tem perature must remain above this value
to allow cooling with the economizer and/or compressors.
There is 5_F plus and minus deadband to this point. If the
SAT falls below this value during cooling, all compressors
will be staged off. The economizer will start to ramp
down to minimum position when the SAT = this
configuration +5_F.
Factory Default = 50_F
Range = 45--75_F
Cooling Lockout Temp
This defines the minimum outdoor air temperature that
cooling mode can be enabled and run. If the OAT falls
below this threshold during cooling, then compressor
cooling will not be allowed.
Factory Default = 45_F
Range = 0--65_F
Heating SAT High Setpt
The supply air temperature must remain below this value
to allow heating. There is 5_F plus and minus deadband to
this point . If the SAT rises above this value during heat ing
the heat stages will begin to decrease until the SAT has
dropped below this value.
Factory Default = 120_F
Range = 95--150_F
Heating Lockout Temp
This defines the maximum outdoor air temperature that
heating mode can be enabled and run. If the OAT rises
above this threshold during heating, then heating will not
be allowed.
Factory Default = 65_F
Range = 49--95_F
NOTE: For installation of inputs and field installed
accessories, refer to the appropriate sections.
Input 3
This input is a discrete input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Function, Compressor
Safety, Fan Status, Filter Status, or Remote Occupancy.
This input can also be configured to be either Normally
Open (N/O) or Normally Closed (N/C). Input 3 is factory
wired to pin J1--2. Field accessories get wired to its
paral lel pin J5--5. Do not connect inputs to both locations,
one function per input.
Factory Default = Compressor Safety and N/O
NOTE: Compressor Safety input com es from the CLO
board. J1--2 is always factory wired to TB1--8 (X) terminal
on the unit. If the unit has a CLO board, do not configure
input 3 for anything but Compressor Safety.
Input 5
This input is a discrete input and can be configured to be
one of five different i nputs: No Function, Fire Shutdown,
Fan Status, Filter Status, or Remote Occupancy. This
input can also be configured to be either Normally Open
(N/O) or Normally Closed (N/C). Input 5 is factory wired
to pin J1--10. Field accessories get wired to its parallel pin
J5--3. Do not connect inputs to both locations, one
function per i nput.
Factory Default = Fire Shutdown and N/C
NOTE: Fire Shutdown input comes from TB4--7. J1--10
is always factory wired to TB4--7. Only change input 5s
function if absolutely needed.
Input 8
This input is a discrete input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Function, Enthalpy
Switch, Fan Status, Filter Status, or Remote Occupancy.
This input can also be configured to be either Normally
Open (N/O) or Normally Closed (N/C). Input 8 is factory
wired to pin J2--6. Field accessories get wired to its
paral lel pin J5--1. Do not connect inputs to both locations,
one function per input.
Factory Default = No Function and N/O
Input 9
This input is a discrete input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Function, Humidistat, Fan
Status, Filter Status, or Remote Occupancy. This input can
also be configured to be either Normally Open (N/O) or
Normally Closed (N/C). Input 9 is factory and fie ld wired
to pin J5--7. Do not connect inputs to both locations, one
function per i nput.
Factory Default = Humidistat and N/O
Space Sensor Type
This tel ls the control ler what type of space sensor is
installed to run the unit. The three types t hat can be used
are the T55 space sensor, the T56 space sensor, or the RS
space sensor.
Factory Default = T55 Type
Input 1 Function
This input is an analog input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Sensor, IAQ Sensor, OAQ
Sensor, Space RH Sensor, or Outdoor RH Sensor. Input 1
Factory Default = No Sensor
Input 2 Function
This input is an analog input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Sensor, IAQ Sensor, OAQ
Sensor, Space RH Sensor, or Outdoor RH Sensor. Input 2
Factory Default = No Sensor
Setpoint Slider Range
This sets the slider range of the space sensor (with this
built in function). The slider is used to offset the current
control setpoint.
Factory Default = 5 n_F
Range = 0--15 n_F