NOTE: Before assembly of the economizer hood, check along
the outer edges of the economizer assembly for any seal strip
protruding past the flanges. Trim the excess seal strip so that
it is flush with the economizer assembly flanges.
1. Apply black seal strip (provided in package) to outside
top-edge of hood sides. Wrap seal strip over edge to cover
top flange (4 hood sides). Make sure seal strip covers
screw holes. Allow strip to overhang
-in. past the end
opposite the mounting flange. See Fig. 18.
2. Assemble hood sides, top, and cross member with gas-
keted screws provided. See Fig. 19.
3. Attach 10 green speed clips (provided) to hood top.
4. Apply black seal strip (provided) to mounting flanges of
hood sides being sure to cover mounting holes. See
Fig. 20.
NOTE: Each hood assembly has a slotted side that should
be adjacent to the other hood when mounted to the unit.
5. Apply black seal strip (provided) to hood top mounting
flange. Seal strip of hood top mounting flange must press
tightly against seal strip of hood side mounting flanges.
See Fig. 21.
6. Add gray foam strip (provided in package) to cross mem-
bers on bottom tray. See Fig. 22.
7. Place gray foam strip (provided) on inside of slotted hood
side between filter and cross member opposite the mount-
ing end. See Fig. 23.
8. Attach gray foam strip (provided) to block-off baffle on
outer face of flange. See Fig. 24.
9. Remove the screws on each end and along top of damper
assembly of unit. Remove top 2 screws on each side of
filter panel under damper assembly. Set hood assembly
in place and attach to unit using these screws.
10. Attach accessory enthalpy bracket on hood side furthest
from control box end. Locate bracket on inside upper
right-hand corner of economizer hood using hood mount-
ing holes. Mount outdoor-air thermistor to enthalpy bracket
(if purchased). Attach and wire enthalpy assembly. Place
quick connects on enthalpy wires.
11. Remove screws along bottom of damper assembly. Lo-
cate and mount blockoff baffle using these screws.
12. Assemble 2 filter tracks side-by-side with the as-
sembled ends together.
13. Attach mounting angle (without tabs) to the assembled
end of the filter track. See Fig. 25.
14. Attach 6 green speed clips (provided) to mounting angles.
Engagement section of clip faces inside of rack.
15. Attach remaining mounting angle (with tabs) to other
end of the filter track with no. 10 screws provided. See
Fig. 26.
16. Place filter track assembly in bottom of hood by placing
tabbed end into slotted side (with tab on bottom) and
attaching opposite end to hood with speed clips and gas-
keted screws provided. Tabs can be hand bent after they
have been inserted into the side.
NOTE: The filter track assembly end with screws should
face away from the other hood when mounted on the unit.
NOTE: Tabs from both filter tracks will be in the same
space. After one filter track has been inserted into board,
bend the tabs so they will not interfere with installation
of the second hood.
17. Attach black seal strip (provided) to filter cover. Seal
strip should be applied to the center of the large flange
making sure to cover holes. See Fig. 27.
18. Slide two 20 x 25-in. filters into cross members of hood
assembly. Attach filter cover over filters with screws and
speed clips provided.
Fig. 18 — Adding Seal Strip to
Top of Hood Sides
NOTE: Left side economizer hood has mounting angle without tabs and filter
track assembled end on the opposite side.
Fig. 19 — Economizer Hood Assembly
(Right-Side Economizer Hood Shown)
Fig. 20 — Adding Seal Strip to
Mounting Flange of Hood Sides