Step 6 —Adjust Factory-Installed Options
Energy Recovery Units
Please refer to the supplement provided for information on
installing and operating the factory optional COBRA Energy
Recovery Units. These units are equipped with a factory--installed
energy recovery unit and have different installation and operation
procedures than the standard unit.
Adaptive Dehumidification
Humidi--MiZer system operation can be controlled by field
installation of a Carrier--approved humidistat. (See Fig. 14.)
NOTE: A light commercial Thermidistat device (Fig. 15) can
be used instead of the humidistat if desired. The Thermidistat
device includes a thermostat and a humidistat. The humidistat is
normally used in applications where a temperature sensor is
already provided ( units with P remierLink control).
Fig. 14 --- Accessory Field--Installed H umidistat
Fig. 15 --- Light Commer cial thermidistat Device
To install the humidistat:
1. Route humidistat cable through hole provided in unit
control box.
2. Some models may be equipped with a raceway built into
the corner post on the left side of control box (See Fig.
13.) This raceway provides the required c learance between
high--voltage and low voltage wiring. For models without
a raceway, ensure to provide the NEC required c learance
between high--voltage and low--voltage wiring.
3. Use a wire nut to connect humidistat cable into low-
voltage wiring as shown in Fig. 16.
To install Thermidistat device:
1. Route Thermidistat cable through hole provided in unit
control box.
2. Some models may be equipped with a raceway built into
the corner post on the left side of control box (See Fig.
13.) This raceway provides the required c learance between
high--voltage and low voltage wiring. For models without
a raceway, ensure to provide the NEC required c learance
between high--voltage and low--voltage wiring.
3. A field-supplied relay must be installed between the
thermidistat and the Humidi-Mizer circuit (recommended
relay: HN612KK324). (See Fig. 17.) The relay coil is
connected between the DEHUM output and C (common)
of the unit. The relay controls the Humidi-MiZer solenoid
valve and must be wired between the Humidi-MiZer fuse
and the low-pressure switch. R efer to the installation
instructions included with the Carrier Light Commercial
Thermidistat device for more information.
The optional disconnect switch is non--fused. The switch has the
capability of being locked in place for safety purposes.
Manual Outdoor
The outdoor--air hood and screen are attached to the basepan at
the bottom of the unit for shipping.
1. Determine quantity of ventilation required f or building.
Record amount for use in Step 8.
2. Remove and save outdoor air opening panel and screws.
(See Fig. 18.)
3. Remove evaporator coil access panel. Separate hood and
screen from basepan by removing the 4 screws securing
them. Save all screws.
4. Replace evaporator coil access panel.
5. Place hood on front of outdoor air opening panel. See
Fig. 19 for hood details. Secure top of hood with the
6. Remove and save 6 screws (3 on each side) from sides of
the manual outdoor-air damper.
7. Align screw holes on hood with screw holes on side of
manual outdoor-air damper. (See Fig. 19 and 20.) Secure
hood with 6 screws from Step 6.
8. Adjust minimum position s etting of the damper blade by
adjusting the manual outdoor-air adjustment screws on the
front of the damper blade. (See Fig. 18.) Slide b lade
vertically until it is in the appropriate position determined
by Fig. 21. Tighten screws.
9. Remove and save screws currently on sides of hood.
Insert screen. Secure screen to hood using the screws. (See
Fig. 20.)
An optional convenience outlet provides power for rooftop use.
For maintenance personnel safety, the convenience outlet power
is off when the unit disconnect is off. Adjacent unit outlets may
be used for service tools.
Novar Contr
Optional Novar controls (ETM 3051) are available for
replacement or new construction j obs.