DSP Effect List
The table below shows the DSP types that can be configured for each zone using zone parameters (page E-28).
• The “DSP No.” column shows the DSP type numbers that appear on page 3 of the zone menu, and “Screen
Name” shows the name (abbreviated) that appears on the screen. “DSP Name” shows the full version of the
screen name.
• For information about the parameters of a DSP type, note the value for it shown in the “Algorithm No.” column,
and then refer to the corresponding item in the DSP Algorithm List (pages E-61 to E-66). Also note that algorithms
01 through 17 are single effects, while numbers with M before them are multi effects.
• The following two parameters are common to all of the DSP types in the table below.
Reverb Send (0 to 127)
Specifies how much of the sound that passes the DSP is sent to reverb.
Chorus Send (0 to 127)
Specifies how much of the sound that passes the DSP is sent to chorus.
Screen Name DSP Name
Dynamics Fx
[1] Equalizer Equalizer 01
[2] Compressor 1 Compressor 1 02
[3] Compressor 2 Compressor 2 02
[4] Limiter Limiter 03
[5] Enhancer Enhancer 04
[6] Comp-Enhancer Compressor - Enhancer M03
[7] Reflection Reflection 07
[8] Phaser 1 Phaser 1 12
[9] Phaser 2 Phaser 2 12
[10] Phaser 3 Phaser 3 13
[11] Comp-Phaser Compressor - Phaser M17
[12] Chorus 1 Chorus 1 05
[13] Chorus 2 Chorus 2 05
[14] Chorus 3 Chorus 3 10
[15] Flanger Flanger 17
[16] Comp-Chorus Compressor - Chorus M04
[17] Enha-Chorus 1 Enhancer - Chorus 1 M01
[18] Enha-Chorus 2 Enhancer - Chorus 2 M01
Pha/Cho/Flanger Combination
[19] Phaser-Chorus 1 Phaser - Chorus 1 M05
[20] Phaser-Chorus 2 Phaser - Chorus 2 M05
[21] Chorus-Flan 1 Chorus - Flanger 1 M07
[22] Chorus-Flan 2 Chorus - Flanger 2 M07
Pan/Tremolo Fx
[23] Tremolo Tremolo 06
[24] Chorus-Tremolo Chorus - Tremolo M02
[25] Comp-Tremolo Compressor - Tremolo M16
[26] Dist-Tremolo Distortion - Tremolo M14
[27] Auto Pan Auto Pan 11
[28] Comp-Auto Pan Compressor - Auto Pan M15
[29] Dist-Auto Pan Distortion - Auto Pan M13
[30] Phaser-APan 1 Phaser - Auto Pan 1 M06
[31] Phaser-APan 2 Phaser - Auto Pan 2 M06
[32] Pha-Cho-AutoPan Phaser - Chorus - Auto Pan M19
Rotary Fx
[33] Rotary 1 Rotary 1 08
[34] Rotary 2 Rotary 2 08
[35] Od Rotary 1 Overdrive Rotary 1 09
[36] Od Rotary 2 Overdrive Rotary 2 09
Wah Fx
[37] LFO Wah LFO Wah 16
[38] Auto Wah Auto Wah 15
[39] Comp-LFO Wah Compressor - LFO Wah M12
[40] Comp-Auto Wah Compressor - Auto Wah M11
[41] LFO Wah-Chorus LFO Wah - Chorus M20
[42] Auto Wah-Cho 1 Auto Wah - Chorus 1 M21
[43] Auto Wah-Cho 2 Auto Wah - Chorus 2 M21
[44] Auto Wah-Phaser Auto Wah - Phaser M08
Distortion Fx
[45] Crunch Crunch 14
[46] Overdrive Overdrive 14
[47] Distortion Distortion 14
[48] Phaser-Dist Phaser - Distortion M18
[49] Crunch-Phaser Crunch - Phaser M09
[50] Ovrdrive-Phaser Overdrive - Phaser M09
[51] Crunch-Chours Crunch - Chorus M10
[52] Ovrdrive-Chorus Overdrive - Chorus M10
[53] Dist-Chorus 1 Distortion - Chorus 1 M10
[54] Dist-Chorus 2 Distortion - Chorus 2 M10
[55] Comp-Dist-Cho 1 Compressor - Distortion - Chorus 1 M22
[56] Comp-Dist-Cho 2 Compressor - Distortion - Chorus 2 M22
[57] LWah-Dist-Cho 1 LFO Wah - Distortion - Chorus 1 M23
[58] LWah-Dist-Cho 2 LFO Wah - Distortion - Chorus 2 M23
[59] AWah-Dist-Cho 1 Auto Wah - Distortion - Chorus 1 M24
[60] AWah-Dist-Cho 2 Auto Wah - Distortion - Chorus 2 M24
[61] Cmp-Dist-APan 1
Compressor - Distortion - Auto Pan 1
[62] Cmp-Dist-APan 2
Compressor - Distortion - Auto Pan 2
[63] Cmp-Dist-Trem 1
Compressor - Distortion - Tremolo 1
[64] Cmp-Dist-Trem 2
Compressor - Distortion - Tremolo 2
Screen Name DSP Name