Using Built-in Tones (Tutorial)
10: Auto Pan
Shifts the continual left-right panning of the input signal using an
Parameter Value Ranges:
1 :LFO Rate (0 to 127)
Adjusts the LFO rate.
2 :Depth (0 to 127)
Adjusts the LFO depth.
3 :LFO Waveform (Sin, Tri, Tra)
Selects the LFO waveform.
4 :Manual (–64 to 0 to +63)
Adjusts the pan (stereo position). –64 is full left, 0 is center, and
+63 is full right.
5 :Wet Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the effect sound.
6 :Dry Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the direct sound.
11: Rotary
This effect is a rotary speaker simulator.
Parameter Value Ranges:
1 :Speed (Slow, Fast)
Switches the speed mode between fast and slow.
2 :Brake (Rotate, Stop)
Stops speaker rotation.
3 :Fall Accel (0 to 127)
Adjusts acceleration when the speed mode is switched from fast
to slow.
4 :Rise Accel (0 to 127)
Adjusts acceleration when the speed mode is switched from slow
to fast.
5 :Slow Rate (0 to 127)
Adjusts the speaker rotation speed in the slow speed mode.
6 :Fast Rate (0 to 127)
Adjusts the speaker rotation speed in the fast speed mode.
7 :Vibrato/Chorus (Off, V1, C1, V2, C2, V3, C3)
Selects the vibrato (V) and the chorus (C) type.
8 :Wet Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the effect sound.
9 :Dry Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the direct sound.
12: Drive Rotary
This is a rotary speaker simulator that makes overdrive possible.
Parameter Value Ranges:
1 :Overdrive Gain (0 to 127)
Adjusts overdrive gain.
2 :Overdrive Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the overdrive output level.
3 :Speed (Slow, Fast)
Switches the speed mode between fast and slow.
4 :Brake (Rotate, Stop)
Stops speaker rotation.
5 :Fall Accel (0 to 127)
Adjusts acceleration when the speed mode is switched from fast
to slow.
6 :Rise Accel (0 to 127)
Adjusts acceleration when the speed mode is switched from slow
to fast.
7 :Slow Rate (0 to 127)
Adjusts the speaker rotation speed in the slow speed mode.
8 :Fast Rate (0 to 127)
Adjusts the speaker rotation speed in the fast speed mode.
9 :Vibrato/Chorus (Off, V1, C1, V2, C2, V3, C3)
Selects the vibrato (V) and chorus (C) type.
10:Wet Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the effect sound.
11:Dry Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the direct sound.
13: LFO Wah
This is a “wah” effect that can automatically affect the frequency
using an LFO.
Parameter Value Ranges:
1 :Input Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the input level. The input signal can become distorted
when the level of the sound being input, the number of chords, or
the Resonance value is large. Adjust this parameter to eliminate
such distortion.
2 :Resonance (0 to 127)
Adjusts the strength of feedback
3 :Manual (0 to 127)
Adjusts the wah filter reference frequency.
4 :LFO Rate (0 to 127)
Adjusts the LFO rate.
5 :Depth (0 to 127)
Adjusts the LFO depth.
6 :LFO Waveform (Sin, Tri, Random)
Selects the LFO waveform.
7 :Wet Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the effect sound.
8 :Dry Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the direct sound.
14: Auto Wah
This is a “wah” effect that can automatically shift the frequency in
accordance with the level of the input signal.
Parameter Value Ranges:
1 :Input Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the input level. The input signal can become distorted
when the level of the sound being input, the number of chords, or
the Resonance value is large. Adjust this parameter to eliminate
such distortion.
2 :Resonance (0 to 127)
Adjusts the strength of feedback
3 :Manual (0 to 127)
Adjusts the wah filter reference frequency.
4 :Depth (–64 to 0 to +63)
Adjusts the depth of the wah in accordance with the level of the
input signal.
Setting a positive value causes the wah filter to open in direct
proportion with the size of the input signal, producing a bright
sound. Setting a negative value causes the wah filter to close in
direct proportion with the size of the input signal, producing a dark
5 :Wet Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the effect sound.
6 :Dry Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the direct sound.
15: Distortion
Distortion + Wah + Amp Simulator
Parameter Value Ranges:
1 :Dist Gain (0 to 127)
Adjusts the distortion input signal gain.
2 :Dist Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the distortion output level.
3 :Dist Low (0 to 127)
Adjusts the distortion low-range gain.
4 :Dist High (0 to 127)
Adjusts the distortion high-range gain.
5 :Wah Depth (–64 to 0 to +63)
Adjusts the depth of the wah in accordance with the level of the
input signal.
6 :Wah Manual (0 to 127)
Adjusts the wah filter reference frequency.
7 :Routing (Dist, Wah, Wah-Dist, Dist-Wah)
Specifies the distortion and wah connection.
8 :Amp (Bypass, TCombo, FCombo, ACombo, BCombo, JCombo,
MStack, RStack, BassC, BassS)
Specifies the amp simulation type.
9 :Wet Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the effect sound.
10:Dry Level (0 to 127)
Adjusts the level of the direct sound.