Check Method of Causes Repair Method Explanation Figures
EC-1200 EC-1600 EC-3600 EC-3700
Applicable Models:
Cateye Ergociser Series 1000 Service Manual
Unusual Noise (Continuous and Increasing)
The noise generating source will be different depending on the
cases whether it is of continuous noise or periodical noise (several
times per rotation of pedal).
[1] Noise is continuous and increasing.
1. Remove the frame cover. (See the Sections D-1 & D-2
"Removing the Frame Covers.")
Apply grease to the following points. (Figs 1 & 2)
· Chain
· Inner surface of the timing belt (mating surface with the
plastic pulley)
2. Check if the derailleur has been worn out. (Fig. 1)
3. Check if the idler has been worn out. (Fig. 2)
4. Check if the plain belt has been deviated in position, thus
causing friction.
When it has been worn out, replace it with a brand
new derailleur set. (See the Section MS-6 "Replacing
the Derailleur Set.")
When it has been worn out, replace it with a brand
new idler set. (See the Section MS-7 "Replacing the
Idler Set.")
When the plain belt is shifted and is going to be
damaged, replace both the workload unit and the
flywheel set with new ones.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Idler Set
Timing Belt
Plastic Pulley
Fig. 3
Plain Belt
Unusual Noise