
To Attach a Single Line Corded or Cordless Telephone, Fax Machine or Answering
Connect your single line analog telephone or fax machine to one of TalkSwitch’s
extension jacks E1 to E4 just as you would if you were plugging them into a
standard telephone wall jack.
To Attach a Two-line Telephone:
Option #1 (Use it as one TalkSwitch extension.)
Disregard the telephone’s Line 2 jack (plug-in). Connect the telephone’s Line 1
plug-in to any one of TalkSwitch’s extension jacks. You will still be able to access
both telephone lines in the same manner as if you were using a single line
telephone attached to TalkSwitch.
Option #2 (Use it as two TalkSwitch extensions.)
You could use your two-line telephone as two separate TalkSwitch extensions.
Connect the telephone’s Line 1 and Line 2 plug-ins to two separate extension
Most two-line phones have separate plug-ins for two incoming telephone lines (Line 1
and Line 2). If your two-line telephone does not have separate plug-ins, you can use
a “Line 1/Line 2” line splitter to separate the two lines.
DDoowwnnllooaadd tthhee QQuuiicckk GGuuiiddee aatt
wwwwww..ttaallkksswwiittcchh..ccoomm ffoorr mmoorree ddeettaaiilleedd eexxaammpplleess oonn ccoonnnneeccttiinngg mmuullttii--lliinnee pphhoonneess..
To Attach an Internal or External Modem:
Simply plug the modem’s telephone cable into one of TalkSwitch’s extension
jacks. Your modem is now a TalkSwitch extension and will be able to access all
lines and take advantage of TalkSwitch’s call routing features.
If you don’t want to change your dial up settings for the modem, you will need
to enable Direct Line Access for the extension associated to the modem. See
section for more details on configuring Direct Line Access.
1.4.3 Connecting Devices to the Music and PA Jacks
The Music jack is designed to support any audio source (CD player, radio, tape player,
sound card etc.) for playing music or messages to callers while on hold. Simply
connect the audio source via its headphone output to the Music jack. The Music jack
requires a 1/8'' (3.5mm) phono connector. If you have more than one TalkSwitch
connected to a LAN, you will need to provide audio to all the Music jacks on each
51.0 Installing TalkSwitch