When would you use double flash?
1. If TalkSwitch is connected to any other system/service that uses Flash to acti-
vate its features (e.g. a Key Telephone System, PBX, or telephone line with the
Centrex service from your phone company).
2. If you are using any of your local telephone company services that are
activated with Flash (e.g. Call Waiting, 3-Way Calling/Conference, etc.).
What does Single and Double Flash do?
TalkSwitch and the above-mentioned systems/services use Flash to activate their
calling features. TalkSwitch therefore needs a way to tell which (or whose)
features you want to access when you press the Flash button.
Using a ‘Single Flash’: places the caller on hold. (The Flash is not passed to
the CO line, solving problems associated with Flash causing a hang-up at
some COs).
Using a ‘Double Flash’: the first Flash places the caller on hold, and the second
Flash (if pressed within 2 seconds) tells TalkSwitch to pass a Flash to the CO line
to activate the intended CO or PBX feature.