When securing an add-on child restraint, refer
to the instructions that come with the restraint
which may be on the restraint itself or in a booklet,
or both, and to this manual. The child restraint
instructions are important, so if they are not
available, obtain a replacement copy from the
Keep in mind that an unsecured child restraint can
move around in a collision or sudden stop and
injure people in the vehicle. Be sure to properly
secure any child restraint in your vehicle — even
when no child is in it.
Securing the Child Within the Child
There are several systems for securing the
child within the child restraint. One system,
the three-point harness, has straps that come
down over each of the infant’s shoulders
and buckle together at the crotch. The five-point
harness system has two shoulder straps, two
hip straps, and a crotch strap. A shield may take
the place of hip straps. A T-shaped shield has
shoulder straps that are attached to a flat
pad which rests low against the child’s body.
A shelf- or armrest-type shield has straps that are
attached to a wide, shelf-like shield that swings
up or to the side.
A child can be seriously injured or killed
in a crash if the child is not properly
secured in the child restraint. Make sure
the child is properly secured, following
the instructions that came with that
Because there are different systems, it is important
to refer to the instructions that come with the
restraint. A child can be endangered in a crash if
the child is not properly secured in the child