Page 8- SKU: 40388
Installing the Power Plug
Note: This Arc Welder is equipped to operate with either 115 or 230 Volt power supply.
Standard “household” current in the U.S. is 110-120 Volts. If you will be using a
“household” outlet, follow directions for 115 Volt wiring. Electric service for applianc-
es such as stoves in the U.S. are 220-240 Volts. If you will be using an “appliance”
outlet, follow directions for 230 Volt wiring. If you have ANY DOUBT, consult a quali-
ed electrician. Severe damage can result from improperly wiring this Arc Welder.
Determine which voltage you will be using, and secure a UL approved plug for the
selected voltage which will t your wall outlet.
Identify the correct wires you will be using for your voltage from the chart below.
115 Volt installation 230 Volt Installation
Ground Green Green
Neutral White
Hot Black L1 Black L1, Red L2
Tied Off Wire Red White
Prepare the wires by stripping approximately 1/2” of the insulation from the end of
each wire.
Depending on the plug design, insert the prepared cable ends into the plug from the
Attach the Green wire to the Ground pole of the plug.
Wire the appropriate plug as shown in #2 above.
To tie off the wire shown in #2 above: Using a Wire Nut, cap the bare end of the un-
used wire, carefully insulating it from contact with any metal or conducting surface.
WARNING! Before operating this welder, make sure that the plug is properly wired for
the voltage to be used, AND that the SELECTOR SWITCH (1) is set for the proper
voltage. The Selector Switch must be set before the Arc Welder is plugged in and
turned on. Severe equipment failure and property damage can result from improper
wiring or switch selection.
WARNING! If Arc Welder is operated at 115 V~, be sure not to regulate the current over 70
A, or the 30 A breaker in your house line will trip.
REV 01c; 07i, 07j